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The NBA Thread


Looks like the Lakers got D12.

My thoughts =

Philly got Bynum. Massive improvement but slows down their game a bit.
Denver got Iggy. Massive improvement.
Lakers got D12. Slight improvement over Bynum but you get a better freethrow shooter in Bynum. 48% vs 70%. Hack a shaq comes into play.
Orlando got screwed. 1 draft pick from each of those teams = Useless and 2 average at best players.
They also lost Ryan Andersen this offseason and Jason Richardson (though thats good).
And they still have Turk :(.


Thank f*ck the saga is over!


Oh crap. I go to a ranch for three days and look what happens!


I thought I’d bump this thread with the new season around the corner. Anyone buying NBA League Pass this season?

ESPN just finished their NBA Rank for all the players. Top 15 below. Agree?

1. LeBron James
2. Kevin Durant
3. Dwight Howard
4. Chris Paul
5. Derrick Rose
6. Kobe Bryant
7. Kevin Love
8. Dwyane Wade
9. Russell Westbrook
10. Deron Williams
11. Dirk Nowitzki
12. Rajon Rondo
13. Andrew Bynum
14. Blake Griffin
15. Pao Gasol

16-20 can be found here:


Dwight top 3? With lakers, he isn’t that high.
Rose and Paul could be interchanged but such different players
Rondo and pau seem a bit high


Rondo is on the money for me. but inconsistency could have brought him down a few notches.

Dwight #3, no way.


Anyone else remember Manute Bol? He was soooo tall!

Anyone was just clicking around on youtube and came across this video of his son Bol Bol….The kid is 6 foot 5 inches and is only in the 7th grade.


Anyone who calls their son Bol Bol deserves to be shot.

If he bulks up a bit, he could have a massive future in the NBA.


lol that is a bit harsh!

he’s about 12 and he’s already 6’5”....i think he has some time on his side! hahaha jeepers!


I just googled Manute…he was 7’6” !!!! And he was born in Sudan.

According to wiki His mum was 6’10” and dad 6’9”

He died a couple of years ago but has 10 kids surviving him!


Haha, there was a kid at my highschool who was named (male) Leslie Leslie. Parents can be so cruel.

Manute Bol was in the NBA due to his height. If he had a bit more muscle, he would have been a star. Though that’s really hard to do when you are skin and bones.


I remember Manute Bol. I remember hearing about his passing as well. That’s crazy tall for year 7 - the kid’s going to be huge!


I’m pretty sure in Sudanese culture that a name like Bol Bol isn’t very weird.


Unless it’s like china where the 2nd name is their actual name. And they take the name of their dad.

e.g. Grandad was something Manute. Dad is Manute Bol and Son is Bol Bol

As in he named his son the same as himself and therefore gets that name?

I still think it’s a bit absurd though.


May well be, i’m not sure….which is why I wouldn’t bother thinking it was absurd when it more than likely isn’t

can’t be any worse than george foreman calling all of his male children george….