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Perisher 2012


Last years overall record holder of vert is a P employee. Who works on the hill.

Yours would be interesting oz - how much skiing you do Vs sitting in your hut.

chucky - 07 August 2012 11:46 AM

I want one of those achievement badges for fast lapping of Front Valley. According to that Dashboard thingy I’ve got regular 6 minute laps - but that’s with lots of turning. I reckon 4 or 5 minute laps is achievable. Anyone know how much of that time is spent just sitting on the lift?

It must be 3-4 min. I’m sure I can strap in and get to the bottom in 30s.
Challenge accepted. But I don’t see an achievement badge for it chucky, are you hallucinating again?

My Dashboard.


There is no achievement badge for it - I’d just like there to be. They’d never do it, though, because Front Valley is supposed to be a ‘slow zone’ (except at night).


My standings as of last weekend, not far off Spaz which is weird considering I’ve had 6 weeks off.


Hang on what??? I think I have done more days on hill than anyone??

How did that happen?

Spaz and Chucky I am disappointed with your efforts!

(sadly I don’t get my own pass so can’t link up to dashboard :-( )


Just did a tally,

9 days at Perisher and 2 days at Thredbo - so 11 days this season grin

ozgirl - 08 August 2012 02:01 AM

Spaz and Chucky I am disappointed with your efforts!

Looking at the other two’s Dashboards, I don’t get how I’m ahead in vertical? I was sick the whole time I had the benj for school hols, so could only manage short days taking it really easy - just for his sake. Then I swapped my pre-booked weekend acommodation for the following Monday/Tuesday nights when I thought I was feeling a bit better, but felt like crap on the Monday, and only came good halfway through my Tuesday session, after an 11am start. I started feeling sick again on Wednesday morning, so I had to drive home. I should be getting my arse kicked.

By the way, no luck finding the Pau D’ Arco at the 3 chemists I asked.


Did you show them a picture?

The last chemist it took 3 people to find it - and event he third person looked black until she saw a pic! Then lead me straigh to it - it was the Chemist in Pitt Stt mall


Yeah - and one guy (lower level Westfield BJ) even Googled it.


I’ve now been through two courses of prescribed antibiotics, but my lungs are still a mess.


Better late than never but here’s a mini TR from last weekend when I went to the snow with my best mates, one I’ve known since I was knee high, the other for about 17 years, I was best man at his wedding a few years ago.  Was an interesting start to the trip Friday arvo, one mate does shift work and had finished at 6am Friday morning, I was and still am in the middle of tendering a very big project, my other mate was free of work for the arvo luckily.  We hitched the camper up, loaded mattresses and other gear into the trailer and ute back and set off about 1pm with the mate who’d finished work driving, me in the passenger seat with a my laptop, wifi and phone going and shift work mate sprawled out sleeping in the back seat.

We made pretty good time and apart from an incident at Berridale servo with a country bumpkin truckie the trip was pretty much drama free, we were setup and ready to head to dinner by about 6:30pm that night.  Headed off to Banjo’s for a decent meal and a few drinks but kept it relatively low key and headed off to bed about 10pm I think.

Mates enjoying the Chateau Camper Trailer accom.

Next morning we headed up to Smigs as we figured with the horrible wind conditions forecast we would best off there as it might offer some protection.  Niether of my mates had been on snow this season, one of em hadn’t been for 4 years so Smigs being fairly gentle seemed like a good place to start for that reason as well.  Had a few runs up and down the Burke Tbar and then started hiking up the top to get the fresh windblown.  The wind was fairly atrocious but we had a couple of pics, one of them taken by Dylan who was had caught up with us.



Dylan having a crack in the “powder” followed by shift work mate tomahawking

Dylan and both mates a little more successfully

About as exciting as my riding gets at the moment

Me in the “powder”, woulda been nice if I coulda timed it whilst the sun was on it.


After about 12 we decided that we should have a crack elsewhere as Smigs was actually a bit boring, we took the link Tbar and then onto the Interceptor Quad I think.  Headed up there and then down through Rollercoaster which was epic fun, would have loved it if the Pleasant Valley quad was open and we coulda done it a bit more.  As it was we went up the ridge quad chair which was surprisingly out of the wind until the last couple of hundred metres.  The run itself was in really good shape but visibility sucked until about halfway down.  Did that a few times then headed down to the terminal quad chair, took that up and then made our first mistake or perhaps my first mistake.  I had the bright idea to go to Guthega, really bad decision, I remember carrying on about how it’s easy to make it to Guthega without unstrapping.  I maintain the unstrapping part but damn it was slow going against 80kmh winds screaming at you through the valley, after that we decided to extricate ourselves from Guthega ASAP.

Finally got through the Poma and the Tbar and set off on the Bluecow traverse, another white out nightmare, didn’t help that I think almost everyone decided to have a piss stop.  We got back to Bluecow and had a few more runs and a couple of horrible windy lifts before deciding to head back to tPerisher on the 2:30 tube.  Got back there and headed back to Smigs, I did a lap of the Columbia fun park on the way, almost came unstuck on one of the mini jumps and pulled the pin. 

Headed into Banjo’s again that night and caught up with Dylan and Ozgirl, was a fairly amusing night, Ozgirl had some interesting things to say about 4 walls and a furnace.  Ended up in bed about 11 I think.  Woke up at about 3am to the sound of a Airbus A380 landing on the lake, or at least it sounded like that.  Unbelievably the wind had got worse, I went back to sleep after deciding the camper was pretty rock solid.  Got up in the morning, had a bit of a debate about if we should even bother going up.  We did and ended up having some fun at Smigs up the top and through the trees, plenty of fresh windblown hanging around.  Hit it hard for 3 hours and then called it, headed back to Jindy, packed everything up and legged it home!


Had a freaking amazing time. I will upload photos and things later. But heres my Dashboard.

Awesome photos BTW Beach, Sucks about cloud cover though.


welcome back, hardsnow - was wondering where you’d got to! Glad you had a good time…how did your Mrs enjoy the trip?