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What’s for lunch?


Im still yet to try kangaroo! Is it any good?

My lunch consists on packet pasta today downer


Roo is the best Blizz! Have to get on it!

My lunch consists of 250g of tuna….that is all LOL


My lunch was tuna and rice.


I was talking to freddy about it last night, actually. The bbqed tidbits I made last night were pretty freakin’ delicious! If you were going to try it, I would suggest that method. I bought the meat pre-marinated garlic and herb in steaks and just cut them up with scissors into tidbits…Keep an eye out for it in the supermarket (most woolies I’ve been into seem to stock it) and give it a try some time!

Having said that, I really like it, but I don’t think I LOVE the taste of kangaroo enough (yet!) to ever choose it to eat at a restaurant instead of chicken or somesuch.

I like to eat and buy kangaroo because it is the best meat you can eat as far as caring for the environment goes, its really lean & healthy, easy & quick to cook and tastes pretty good! Like all meat I buy, I only ever get what is reduced for quick sale (at least 40% off) and we probably eat it 3-4 times a month.

I had easy mac yesterday, blizz wink


I had Sushi!

Cords - was that a pack lunch at school? How did the curly fries go being reheated or did you eat them cold?


nah I’m at home studying…haven’t worked yet this term, too much study to do! When we dish up our dinners, we have 2 containers there as well, and dish up into there for our lunches the next day at the same time. The curly fries were yummy reheated! Pretty soft but still yummy. Coles has a special of 2 packs of curly fries for $5 and I’d never had curly fries in my whole life so last night and today was the first time I’d had them!


Just tuna wasnt enough (who would have thought LOL ) so went and bought some sushi


Kangaroo is epic,

That is all.


leftover hawaiian pizza and apple juice.

$5 dominos pizzas FTW!


Packet pasta again today! I mixed it up yesterday and had an apple and cheese sandwich LOL


what sort of packet pasta? easy mac?

and APPLE AND CHEESE? what the? I think you need to make a post in the WEIRD thread!


Salad. Gotta detox from so much Fergburger lol.

cords - 09 August 2012 03:19 AM

what sort of packet pasta? easy mac?

and APPLE AND CHEESE? what the? I think you need to make a post in the WEIRD thread!

It was a creamy bacon and cheese pasta.

Yep apple and cheese, been doing it since I was a kid! Hahaha!


MiGoreng noodles + can of chilli tuna, mix well. Instant tuna pasta! #ghettomeals. LOL Surprisingly good though.


Ghetto meals
- Loaf of bread and philly cheese
- MiGoreng + anything
- Chocolate bars (quick energy and easy to hold)
- Easy Mac + chopped up leftover sausages