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Because I trust everyone’s honesty…


...I was wondering if anyone would have a look at a website I am working on? It isn’t the most accessible site, being 100% flash, but it is what our Gridiron club wants.

Any feedback is welcome, and I don’t get offended by constructive criticism! I just want to better the site from the crap we had before. Just remember it is a work in progress smile

Thanks everyone shaka


When I read the subject of the thread I thought it was going to be something bad.

Good work Blizzard looks like you’ve spent a fair bit of time on it! Now onto the constructive criticism.

* I’m not sure if it’s because its 100% flash or your hosting but its pretty slow (this is from a school fibre connection and decent computer)

* Do you really need that original welcome screen? It’s just an extra click and wait before getting to any info.

* Seems to be lot’s of font size changes on each page

* Personally I’d be trying to fit more information on each page as currently a lot of room is taken up by the header and footer (which appears to overlap the info above at times).

* Flash sucks but you seem to already know that smile

I hope all of this comes across as reasonable, I am by no means a web developer and I think you’ve done a great job to get it to this point.


Agree with DRC

Although the first page is barable!

But i think you can change the wording to click to enter - the click anywhere to enter is ummm can’t think what i mean but its overkill


I have been thinking it is a useless page the splashpage, because it only leads to the home site. I think I have made up my mind to remove it.

The font size *should* be the same across all pages, but I will def have to check it out. The Schedule page will be different as I had to insert the table as HTML within the flash stuff. Grrr makes it so frustrating!

It is VERY SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW and I don’t think there is really anything I can do about that. I can try making images a lower quality, that’s about it.

Should I remove the splashpage, does anyone think I should just make the site background white?


Are you talking about the black edges? making them white - or removing the blue line stuff?

I think all white would be great (ie changing the black)


Definitely get rid of the useless page it just slows down and already sloooooow experience.

I could go either way on the black border, I had just assumed it was scaling to the computer’s resolution.

If it’s going to give you more screen realestate to add information to I would definitely get rid of the border.

Basically if there’s absolutely no way to can get away from a full flash site you need to minimise the amount of clicks/page loads the user has to do.

People aren’t patient when it comes to progress bars especially on a website.


You are right drc. I run 1-1 web publishing training at work and the average user will stay on a site for up to 7 seconds before moving to the next page.

Plus, less information is better. So I want to try keep it to the point, but simple to read for all ages (since we also aim our content at under 18s)


bliz in my opinion you did excellent work, front page to me is not a big deal and back in the days most of the sport sites had animated/front page entry and 2 be honest i kind of like it.

what i really don’t like is the slowness of the site, that forces ppl away from the site eg i tried to view some pages and i just gave up at the end coz it was not going anywhere.

but all in all website is very nice..