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The Olympic Games - London 2012

chucky - 02 August 2012 03:29 PM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 02 August 2012 02:19 PM

. . . women’s K1 WW slalom.

Why were they calling it “canoe” slalom?

Canoe is the generic name for whitewater boats often. And it’s sub categories are C and K. C - canoe which means they are kneeling and paddling with one blade. K - obviously kayak meaning they are sitting and have a double blade. Number is the number of people.
But to answer ur question, I don’t really know, or why it isn’t called kayak slalom. Its. It even called that in the kayaking circles. Same as cano polo, they paddle their canoe bat in the style of a kayak.


^ Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense. Is it an IOC thing? I’d fully understand if they were the ones who messed it up.


I don’t think it’s an IOC thing. As far as I know it’s always been called that


Ok I take that back! It was known as whitewater slalom until IOC called it canoe slalom in 2008. But still I’ve always know it generally called canoe slalom. The ICF. International canoe fed. umbrellas kayaking slalom too

chucky - 02 August 2012 03:27 PM

How was jessica Fox’s effort!!!

Super stoked for her! rocker

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 03 August 2012 12:55 AM

Ok I take that back! It was known as whitewater slalom until IOC called it canoe slalom in 2008. But still I’ve always know it generally called canoe slalom. The ICF. International canoe fed. umbrellas kayaking slalom too

I figured as much. Just like the way the FIS/IOC treat snowboarding as a lesser entity than skiing.


Though I wouldnt put canoe vs kayak in the same boat as ski vs boarding. They are pretty much one and the same, most people enjoy both. Just a slightly different technique. When it comes to freestyle, tricks are all exactly the same. Not like skiing trying to cling off snowboardings success.
Kayaking is definately not treated as a lesser to Canoeing. If anything Kayaking is more popular than Canoeing in slalom, creeking, freestyle, etc. as canoeing is harder to master technique wise. It is more of a purist form of the sport, as thats where it all started. One blade and kneeling.


Yeah, I was more referring to the apathetic lack of concern for the use of proper terminology. The ICF is the governing body, so even though ‘kayak’ is the appropriate term they use ‘canoe’ anyway.


I just heard “The Flying Squirrel” mentioned in the Olympic gymnastics coverage.

chucky - 03 August 2012 05:50 AM

I just heard “The Flying Squirrel” mentioned in the Olympic gymnastics coverage.

Haha no way!!! I wonder what it refers to!!!


They call Gabrielle Douglas (gymnast from the USA) ‘The Flying Squirrel’ - she has already won two gold medals.


Considering the US Olympic team’s reputation for, ummmmm, ‘partying’ at the Games village - perhaps we’ll see some interesting entries in Boardworld’s ‘do The Flying Squirrel’ contest?


^Although providing photo/video evidence would probably get you arrested.




So apparently one of the Opals players dunked it, first ever woman in the Olympics to do so!