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The Olympic Games - London 2012


very disappointed with the coverage here in oz. We came out of that 4x100m relay looking so ridiculously arrogant, like we expected a gold medal with little to no competition and it was never gonna be like that. The commentators banging on about what a disappointment it was didn’t help at all.

Not sure about erasing the records, that would wipe out the achievements of a whole load of really good swimmers, and it certainly wasn’t their fault that they were allowed to wear the suits and then not allowed again…


I’ve watched very little of the games so far. Hopefully I’ll see a little more of it this week.

Have to say though, I’m loving the 3D broadcast. I don’t really watch a whole lot of 3D content on my TV, but some of the stuff I’ve seen so far is really cool!

cords - 29 July 2012 09:01 PM

Not sure about erasing the records, that would wipe out the achievements of a whole load of really good swimmers, and it certainly wasn’t their fault that they were allowed to wear the suits and then not allowed again…

You’re right, it wouldn’t be fair. It’s a shame the speed suits were introduced in the first place - I hated it! I think the records should be separated though. No doubt they had an unfair advantage using the suits. Anyway, I hope all the suit records get smashed over the coming years. It seems as though these swimmers are constantly getting faster.


fark me the coverage on free to air is woeful. it’s possibly on par with 9’s coverage of the winter olympics….

last night i was watching the synchronized 3m diving (gripping stuff) and they had slats commentating…. wtf does he know about diving?? i’m just wondering who they’re going to resurrect next…. tony barber commentating the dressage?   

9 are really getting the short straw with the events, i appreciate that foxtel have bought all the good stuff, but come on….  mad


forgot I left the TV on this morning, and as I just went out to get some stuff, I see channel 9 has some horrid movie from the 70s on…why can’t they show now everything else they’ve missed!

/end of whinge


Im really disappointed that channel 9 ended their coverage at 11am!!! Seriously with all the events that were on last night, they could have showed a lot more events.

Seriously, it is only 2 weeks and it’s not like day time tv gets much ratings anyway!!!


The stay at home mums/dads, old people and unemployed folks* like their regular dose of Days of our lives!

*i was going to say unemployed bums, but i currently am one of them….


hahaha so they are all bums til you are one of them, eh? haha


yeh pretty much! haha

well if they are not studying etc. but just sit at home on their arse then yes they are. And i am one of them.


reclined on a couch eating pizza, maybe? hahaha

or are they grapes in your avatar? its too small to see

rider26 - 30 July 2012 01:11 AM
cords - 29 July 2012 09:01 PM

Not sure about erasing the records, that would wipe out the achievements of a whole load of really good swimmers, and it certainly wasn’t their fault that they were allowed to wear the suits and then not allowed again…

You’re right, it wouldn’t be fair. It’s a shame the speed suits were introduced in the first place - I hated it! I think the records should be separated though. No doubt they had an unfair advantage using the suits. Anyway, I hope all the suit records get smashed over the coming years. It seems as though these swimmers are constantly getting faster.

Shiwen Ye, 16 year old Chinese swimmer beat S. rices record in the 4 x 100m medley by a second and rice made it in a super suit! Of course questions came up about the legitimacy because of china’s record but if it is legit looks like swimmers are still getting faster and super suit records will be broken!

cords - 30 July 2012 04:26 AM

reclined on a couch eating pizza, maybe? hahaha

or are they grapes in your avatar? its too small to see

grapes, i only eat healthy…


Do you guys think that sports that already have a massive world cup event shouldn’t be in the Olympics? We were discussing it at work today and most ppl think soccer shouldn’t be in the olympics

JazzaW - 30 July 2012 05:20 AM
rider26 - 30 July 2012 01:11 AM
cords - 29 July 2012 09:01 PM

Not sure about erasing the records, that would wipe out the achievements of a whole load of really good swimmers, and it certainly wasn’t their fault that they were allowed to wear the suits and then not allowed again…

You’re right, it wouldn’t be fair. It’s a shame the speed suits were introduced in the first place - I hated it! I think the records should be separated though. No doubt they had an unfair advantage using the suits. Anyway, I hope all the suit records get smashed over the coming years. It seems as though these swimmers are constantly getting faster.

Shiwen Ye, 16 year old Chinese swimmer beat S. rices record in the 4 x 100m medley by a second and rice made it in a super suit! Of course questions came up about the legitimacy because of china’s record but if it is legit looks like swimmers are still getting faster and super suit records will be broken!

The best come back by the one of the Chinese doctors…....‘you think this is extraordinary? what about Phelps? he must be on drugs then….’ hahaha
