The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Still photos/videos

ozgirl - 01 August 2012 06:25 AM

What is with the random spammy/none making sense posts lately??

Are you referring to Mizu’s posts?

If you really want a headcam contact me - I sell them and offer a boardworld members discount.
Alternatively I rent them for the period of your trip, if you decide to buy afterwards I’ll take the rental costs of the total.

Get the goggles!


No Spaz the two posts before mine - contribute nothing to the thread and they are the only posts by those two members. There has been a few random postings like that lately.


Oh yeah, don’t know what to do with them…
New members, both single posts but not your typical spam. Will let them sit for now.


Hey Hardsnow - how did you go? Get any good pics?


Good question



