The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Most embarrasing on snow/skate/surf moment


How’s your TR goin Azz?? Will it feature in it?? wink


Oh please let it feature in it!!! You can’t tell us about these things and not show us!


Yes this footage needs to be shared for all!!!

Azz - 30 July 2012 10:37 AM

LOL billy

waiting for video!


SNOW- When I was in Whistler, I was in the trees with rider, mich, Finney and a couple of others. Riding towards them went to turn so grab what I thought was a shrub, turns out it was a tree well and down I went. Dan83 helped out will rider just laughed and took photos.

SKATE- I was really young and getting use to standing on the board. My sister left the garage door open (barn style doors) went to push it shut and fell off backwards, smacking my head on the tow ball of my dad’s van. Split my head open with blood just covering me.

SURF- Went for a wave, as I was getting up my back foot didn’t get on the waxed spot. Nose of the board went straight into the water and lifted me up by my nuts pretty much.

C J Parker - 30 July 2012 05:54 PM

SNOW- When I was in Whistler, I was in the trees with rider, mich, Finney and a couple of others. Riding towards them went to turn so grab what I thought was a shrub, turns out it was a tree well and down I went. Dan83 helped out will rider just laughed and took photos.

YES! Hahahaha LOL

That black dome you can see under the tree is the top of his helmet.

Michelle and Dan helping him out.


Billy - 30 July 2012 10:40 AM

How’s your TR goin Azz?? Will it feature in it?? wink

TR is underway, sadly work is getting in the way of TR time downer


Video will feature cheese

Mudhoney - 30 July 2012 07:18 AM
drc13 - 30 July 2012 06:45 AM

Snow Fortunately nothing overly embarrassing yet ...

dude, you posted your @rse on the Internet…

drc13 - 30 July 2012 06:45 AM

Worst of the lot was a while ago when I was just having a swim in the surf up at the Gold Coast. Got rolled around in a wave when I suddenly realised I no longer had any board shorts on!!! My mates all found it hilarious but the swim back in was a little awkward. Fortunately by the time I got back to shore the shorts had washed up and the lifesaver was standing there looking very confused. From that moment on I’ve used a double knot!

omg more nudism!  LOL

Hmm well OK when you put it that way…...  red face

I may need to endeavour in some image rebuilding!

rider26 - 30 July 2012 08:17 PM
C J Parker - 30 July 2012 05:54 PM

SNOW- When I was in Whistler, I was in the trees with rider, mich, Finney and a couple of others. Riding towards them went to turn so grab what I thought was a shrub, turns out it was a tree well and down I went. Dan83 helped out will rider just laughed and took photos.

YES! Hahahaha LOL

That black dome you can see under the tree is the top of his helmet.

Michelle and Dan helping him out.




CJ I can’t believe you split your head gulp sounds extremely painful

Jez, nice pics!!! Hahahaha


In the snow deep there, nice photos.

Snow - falling over in a busy lift line, got up and fell over again straight away. A milo kid behind me then asked if I needed some help to get to the lift!

Skate - on a long board was just cruising in dee why on the beach front walkway on saturday last summer and I hit a rock, board stopped and I kept going until I hit the ground.

Surf - I don’t surf much and can’t really stand up so pretty much everything I do on a surfboard is awkward and embarrassing.

JazzaW - 31 July 2012 01:22 AM

In the snow deep there, nice photos.

Snow - falling over in a busy lift line, got up and fell over again straight away. A milo kid behind me then asked if I needed some help to get to the lift!

Those little milo kids are so cute but damn they can be little buggers hahaha!

JazzaW - 31 July 2012 01:22 AM

Skate - on a long board was just cruising in dee why on the beach front walkway on saturday last summer and I hit a rock, board stopped and I kept going until I hit the ground.

I did that. At my first real job, our uniform was jeans and t-shirt (CEO wore a polo to important meetings).

So I skated to work and to lunch (we were a bit out of the way).

I was skating down the driveway of work (very smooth and nice) holding my lunch and having a chat to the others (going slow) when I hit a cable tie and went head over heels.

I lost my lunch that day and had to go buy more.

Also a very big scrape down the arm that hurt for a few days lol.

blizzard_22 - 30 July 2012 11:08 PM

CJ I can’t believe you split your head gulp sounds extremely painful

Jez, nice pics!!! Hahahaha

Cause I was really young the tears just flooded out, worst part was my mum was dying her hair at the time so was off to the hospital with her hair in a towel.

Yeah funny how Jez doesn’t miss a moment for photos. Still had the board strapped to me as well. Thanks to mich and Dan though.