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Perisher 2012


Watching the people go over that jump at the end, so many people not making the distance and so many people looking so out of control on their spins and tricks, looked painful!


I dunno about out of control on the spins but that one guy on the b oard looked sick right up till he knuckled the shit out of it!


Blizz did a great job filming but we had limited battery!

So I don’t think she necessarily got the best boarders. She did the best with the footage she got.

I was really impressed with the night filming of the slopestyle though on the drift!


Yeh a lot of people were lacking speed that night. Not sure if it was the approach or what.

Yes oz is spot on, we are very impressed with the drift and are hitting up spaz for one!!!


Yeah I forgot that there was talk that the course was slow


I’m heading up tomorrow for a couple of weeks. Sing out if you’re coming up!


Just got back bout 8 from my first snow trip since I did my back, was good fun. Will put up some more detail tomorrow.


how did your back hold up nthn ?


Back was pretty good considering Lanox, I spent the entire weekend at Smiggins, never been there before as I didn’t really consider it worthwhile.  Not sure I still think of it the same way now, I actually had a lot of fun there and the lack of crowd factor is awesome. 

Was trying to get out of Sydney early, my girlfriend managed to get an early mark for the first time ever at 2pm but my boss called a meeting for 4pm that arvo, not happy Jan.  Picked the girl up at 2pm, hammered back to Newport to pick up the camper trailer and the rest of the gear, got there at about 2:40pm.  Was a mad rush to load everything as I needed to get back to Rydalmere by 4pm, I rushed so much I completely forgot to put the girlfriends snowboard in and she thought I had packed it already, didn’t realise this till later.  Got back to the office about 4:05pm, blitzed the meeting but it still went to 5 which was unpleasant but Michelle was happy watching a DVD in the car.  Finally hit the M7 by about 5:30, the rest of the trip was easy, traffic was no drama and we got into Jindy a bit after 10:30 and was in bed just after 11 after setting up the camper trailer.

Next morning on the way to the snow it hit me that I hadn’t packed Michelle’s board, I was kinda annoed about it but managed to see the funny side I guess.  Got her a hire board which was a real POS but at her stage of riding I don’t think it makes much of a difference.  Spent most of the morning walking a bunny slope with her, thankfully she started to pick it up and was side slipping her way down the bunny slope faster than I could be bothered to run.  A bit after 11 she elected to retire to the café for a while and I went for a bit of a look see around Smigs.  Although not a large area and serviced mainly be Tbars there’s plenty there to keep you occupied for a day if you just want to cruise around although the one and only chair is damn slow.

Back on the snow

The bunny slope

I spent most of my time just cruising around off the chair and the two T Bars to the left if you’re looking up the mountain.  I really wasn’t looking to do much and spent the vast majority of my time riding switch and working on my carving but it was just really nice to be back on the snow and I was enjoying playing around on my banana again, I haven’t ridden it for some time.  I did a bit of hiking up to the left of the T where there was some untracked snow, I came a cropper once but it was really soft and I didn’t feel anything other than a nice cushioning feeling ha ha. 

Headed back and did another hour or so with Michelle and called it quits about 2:30, she was sore and I didn’t see the point in pushing things with my back.  Was a perfect day back in Jindy and after a shower we settled back in the sun to enjoy a few drinks before dinner.


About this time Dylan texted me, he came down to meet us at the campground and then we headed off to Banjo’s for dinner.  Michelle really wanted to see the Miss Snow Bunny event at LJH so we headed over there after dinner.  By that stage I think all 3 of us were fairly well on our way in the drunk stakes, I don’t remember much of the Snow Bunny show, I do remember one stand out and another one whose friends shoulda let her know it wasn’t the best idea to enter a bikini contest although I’m sure she’s a very nice person…………  They dragged the damn thing out for ages and it was almost midnight by the time they had done the bikini round and I was massively over it and wanted to go to bed.  We left Dylan there to his best Elmer Fudd rabbit hunting antics and crashed out.

Woke up the next morning a bit worse for wear and didn’t get up the hill till about 10am.  I have no idea what FV was like but the cars were parked all the way almost back to Smiggins which was frightening.  Had a short go on the bunny slope before Michelle decided she much preferred lying in the snow to riding on it due to rank hangover.  I went off and lapped the chair and the Tbar’s for while before Dylan arrived after sleeping in his car.  Apparently youth can only help out so much so he hadn’t got up the hill till 11am after a massive night followed by what must have been a refreshing night of sleep in his car…………….  Lapped the Tbars and did a few hiking runs off to the left again and some tree runs as well which were fun, I even did a straight air off a home made kicker into the pow, I think I managed a whole 6” off the snow ha ha. 

Called it quite about 1:30 and headed home, none the worse for wear and very happy that I’m able to board again.  Heading down this coming weekend as well with my best mates, both of them just like cruising around rather than the park so should be pretty safe this time around as well!


Sounds like fun!

Might try convince a mate or 2 to head down to Perisher this coming weekend.


Let me know although I’m going to be captain boring for the next few weeks I suspect.  However for a small fee (beer) I could be captain boring with a vid camera following you through the park ha ha!


haha, interesting…




Enjoyed the mini-tr Nthn and really glad your back made it though without any problems!

I was nearly sure I was going to be down there this weekend, but I’ve had delays with getting my bindings and I haven’t quite mastered riding without them so looks like I might have to give yet another weekend a miss :(


It was that bloody freezing waking up in my car with just my boxers and t shirt on, blankets in the back which i had obviousy not thought about when i got to the car, so from about 6.30-10am i wrapped myself in a cucoon with the blankets to try and regain feeling to the extremities grrr