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Most embarrasing on snow/skate/surf moment


C’mon, we have all done something embarrasing in our time!

Snow - falling off a carpet teacherboy nuff said!

Skate - attempting to drop in a small bowl, board slides out from under me, fall on my ass in front of lots of people red face

Surf - I’m too scared of the ocean so I’m out of this one!!!


Snow - Happened about 6 weeks ago and there is video footage.

Skate - dropping in on my neighbours home made halfpipe in front of all the older cool kids and eating it.

Surf - Don’t have one, I am a born waterman and rule the waves like Neptune…..........  Actually my friends and I have this game that we used to play called “hello darlings”.  I have no idea why it was called this but it involved trying to hang onto the side of a rock platform when set waves hit all while screaming hello darling as loud as you could to your mates.  Our favourite place for this game was on a rock platform with a natural rock pool behind it that was about 12ft across and maybe 10ft deep at it’s deepest point.  One day I managed to hold on through the wave but as all the additional water in the pool rushed out I got sucked over the side and dropped 4 ft onto a lower ledge on the ocean side head first with all my mates watching.  The end result wasn’t that bad, some cuts and bruises, a sore head and shoulder but it amused my friends for the next few days no end.


we played a similar game down in Shellharbour on a rock shelf!


Snow - Having my mates binding unclip and his board fall off his foot while we were on the lift (lucky it happened just as we got on) then having to ride down, ask for his board and take it back up for him..

Skate - Going to ollie a set of stairs, bailing and stopping just before the stairs, tripping and falling down the stairs. Total retard moment haha.

Surf - Trying to surf.


I can’t think of anything especially embarrassing…cos pretty much all of my efforts in the surf/skate/snow areas would be considered embarrassing by someone who knew what they were doing. I happily participate in all these activities well aware of my own crapness - if I did any of it to look cool, I would have given up years ago!


Absent mindedly sitting on a double chair on my own and lazily dropping my board… Toe edge catches and I’m literally ripped forward out of the chair and run over by the chair.. so embarrasing !!!!  red face


My first time on a t-bar was pretty embarrassing.

Can’t remember what t-bar it was a Buller, but we got about half way up the mountain and we banged boards together and I fell over. somehow we both ate it, and got tangled up with each other, but I still had hold of the bar. So we’re both on the ground getting dragged up the hill and my mate it yelling at me to let go of the bar because his ankle is twisted around, but I’m like “I got this. I can get back up!”.

I reckon we got dragged at least 50 metres before my mate tried to untwist himself, but in doing so twisted my ankle around the wrong way. So now I’m screaming out in pain before I finally let go.

We’re both rolling around on the ground in pain and these two little boarders about 10-12 years old come past us on the next bar laughing their heads off, giving us a “Good one!”

Oh, and my topsheet took a beating in the process. 

shut eye


Soooo soooo many Blizz!!

Years ago was riding Sponars at Thredbo on my own and was twisted around watching people going off a kicker. I found myself wrapped around a tower, ski’s on either side red face

The other week when i staked it in front of Jax’s at Perisher.


My worst would probably be one time at bluecow on Pleasant Valley chair when I got off to quick and whacked my head on the chair in front lol.

Don’t make that mistake ever again!


Snow Fortunately nothing overly embarrassing yet other than the standard beginner t-bar issues

Skate My skate experience at ~8y/o consists of laps of the driveway on a fluro green board SEATED! I don’t think I ever graduated to standing or beyond the driveway…..

Surf I’ve had the standard stuff like the board shooting out from between my legs while seated out the back. I’ve also run over a young girl who I then had to go back and rescue and paddle all the way back in (she wasn’t injured just teary)

Worst of the lot was a while ago when I was just having a swim in the surf up at the Gold Coast. Got rolled around in a wave when I suddenly realised I no longer had any board shorts on!!! My mates all found it hilarious but the swim back in was a little awkward. Fortunately by the time I got back to shore the shorts had washed up and the lifesaver was standing there looking very confused. From that moment on I’ve used a double knot!

drc13 - 30 July 2012 06:45 AM

Snow Fortunately nothing overly embarrassing yet ...

dude, you posted your @rse on the Internet…

drc13 - 30 July 2012 06:45 AM

Worst of the lot was a while ago when I was just having a swim in the surf up at the Gold Coast. Got rolled around in a wave when I suddenly realised I no longer had any board shorts on!!! My mates all found it hilarious but the swim back in was a little awkward. Fortunately by the time I got back to shore the shorts had washed up and the lifesaver was standing there looking very confused. From that moment on I’ve used a double knot!

omg more nudism!  LOL


in the skatepark with a load of experienced skaters, tryd to do a rock to fakie ,when rolling down fakie ,fell forward ,board flew out and rolled to the other side of the park , then I had to do ‘THE WALK OF SHAME’


Snow - um, I always stack on the first run I meet someone. Guaranteed. I can almost bet my life on it. And it’s always on a green run somewhere, or under a lift. - I can snowboard, I swear! tongue wink
Skate - none as yet?
Surf - me in a wetsuit. gulp


Snow - The video of Billy, Mini Shred and I in the lift line for night riding at the Big D recently.

Skate - When 15. Out the front of the PO, turned to miss school Principal and hit a little stone, ate shit at his feet.

Surf - Me and Surf is embarrassing.

Azz - 30 July 2012 08:58 AM

Snow - The video of Billy, Mini Shred and I in the lift line for night riding at the Big D recently.

Holy crap, there’s footage?!?!?!?! big surprise


I apologise in advance!!!!


LOL billy