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Sad news, death at Thredbo


Just saw this. Very sad news.

It’s not the same one from a day or so ago is it?

Very sad either way.


I just saw it too. So sad. This is the second death in 3 days downer


Gees that’s sad news, be careful out there guys it’s a fantastic sport we all enjoy but it does come with it’s risks!

@Tills the one a few days ago was at Hotham


Geez!! Let’s hope it doesn’t come threes!!! So sad ...


Shocked and so sad…

Be careful snowboarding and play safety….


very sad news


No disrespect but people die all the time.
Death is part of life and an event we should hold in higher regard.

Dan saw them trying to resuscitate from the chairlift as would many others.
These days it’s hard for the resorts to supress, but deaths in the snow fields are a regular occurrence - yet the way it’s written is like its a rarity.

What I don’t get is why it’s a crime scene and why does it need a coronial enquiry if he lost control and hit a tree? I assume it’s because OH&S are going to put their fun police hats on.

What i find sad is sensationalistic journalism and our voyeuristic need to know about these events.
I mean where was the news paper article for the Thredbo local who died over summer?
Or the internet report about the motorcyclist who died in my arms this year.

This death is unique in that it wasn’t on the roads or in hospital.

End of rant.
Condolences to friends and family.


not another one… downer RIP

snowbum_spaz - 27 July 2012 08:02 PM

No disrespect but people die all the time.
Death is part of life and an event we should hold in higher regard.

Dan saw them trying to resuscitate from the chairlift as would many others.
These days it’s hard for the resorts to supress, but deaths in the snow fields are a regular occurrence - yet the way it’s written is like its a rarity.

What I don’t get is why it’s a crime scene and why does it need a coronial enquiry if he lost control and hit a tree? I assume it’s because OH&S are going to put their fun police hats on.

What i find sad is sensationalistic journalism and our voyeuristic need to know about these events.
I mean where was the news paper article for the Thredbo local who died over summer?
Or the internet report about the motorcyclist who died in my arms this year.

This death is unique in that it wasn’t on the roads or in hospital.

End of rant.
Condolences to friends and family.

Spaz, you nailed it!
Cant stand sensational journalism either, all respect everyone involved with this tragic accident.


+1 for spaz.

snowbum_spaz - 27 July 2012 08:02 PM

No disrespect but people die all the time.

Condolences to friends and family.

that would be me, thanks

just found out this guy would be my 3rd or 4th cousin (my mum’s cousins son)

RIP Champ!


Sorry to here that cabs.
Hope your all doing well.


That is sad news, but I have to agree with Spaz as well.
Someone is reckless on the road and they die people pretty much say they deserved it. Unfortunately people don’t take into account how dangerous snow sports are and that they could die. Being out of control and near trees is never good. Had a friend die years ago in a skiing accident, was going too fast in the trees and impacted.
Be safe peoples, snowboarding is to be enjoyed.