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Stack hats - what’s your view?


Yeah it you’re right anti… doesn’t matter where you are riding, be a green run or double black, a fall could be it without a helmet… I mean, look what happened to the actress Natasha Richardson. Doing a lesson on a beginner run, fell and sustained a fatal head injury downer


The only thing I’m worried about is breaking my neck. Helmets won’t stop that.

ozgirl - 26 July 2012 06:44 AM
deanobruce - 26 July 2012 06:26 AM

i like my ear bits, keep my ears well warm

Me too!

I don’t even take em out on warm days!

Me three!!  Warm ears vs muffled hearing?  WARMTH every time!  Also, i have an excuse when the mrs talks…


Ever since I bought my helmet I’ve worn it! Even small impacts (just falling on my butt, not hitting my head) I can feel it reduces the chances of me getting a headache later in the day. If your charging hard or hitting the park you would be dumb not to wear a helmet. Its a little bit of cash that will go a long way!


This is my first season wearing one and I love it. It’s the first thing I grab when getting ready. It’s also extra convenient having the earphones and mic with it for music/phone calls


Beginners should be advised to wear helmets but I believe adults should have the right to make their own decisions. I am all for compulsory helmets for kids in lessons however.

rider26 - 26 July 2012 10:48 PM

Beginners should be advised to wear helmets but I believe adults should have the right to make their own decisions. I am all for compulsory helmets for kids in lessons however.

100% agree!


Yeah it would be a bit ridiculous if it was legislated or something that everyone had to wear one…


I thought I heard a couple years ago they were going to eventually make helmets mandatory. Was I hearing things?!?


Helmets are required by law on Motorbikes and Bicycles.

We have established that people go > 80km/h on Skis and Snowboards

Why shouldn’t they be mandatory?


Good point TJ never thought of it that way


I started wearing one originally for warmth, then i smashed my noggin on a rail in NZ and although i came out with a broken wrist, if it wasnt for the helmet im sure things would have been much worse!! Now wear one 100% of the time, why risk it.


I agree with TJ.


When I fell and broke my wrist I smacked my head on the ground very heavily. To this day I still can’t remember part of the fall, lucky I was wearing my helmet or it would have been a lot worse.