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Stack hats - what’s your view?


I know we have previously discussed who does and doesn’t wear helmets, but I have to ask, do you think helmets should be mandatory in snow sports?

I read that helmets are mandatory in the Slopestyle Comp that Perisher holds, and also that they are required for kids in lessons. But beyond that it is up to the rider.

Personally, I think all beginners should be wearing them, but there is no way that that can be policed on the mountain.


Proud Supporter of Stackhats since the 80s



Hhmmm I don’t know about making them mandatory…. my anti-conformist nature starts to kick in…..

Having said that, I won’t ride without one cause I know how many times its saved me from concussion or a bad headache. I also make sure the kids wear one and I’m hoping they grow up in a generation which considers it cool to wear one!!


I am 100% behind them!

I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to wear one. Even if you never need one! Great in Australia’s wet snow conditions. keeps your head dry!

Actually Blizz I think you will find that any organised race on the hill not just slope style.


ive just recently invested in one.. seems like its the proper thing to do.. as your head is pretty important in your day to day lives.. lol


yeah most comps make you wear them…even the international ones…i think the pros have to wear them in X-games etc.

I know it stupid, but I rarely wear one. I just don’t like the feel of it. I don’t see it as un-cool to wear one or anything, just I’m used to not wearing one now…so when I do put one on, it makes me feel like I’m telling myself that I’m going to crash…and I’m always really careful about doing stuff that isn’t beyond my limits. I’m no Danger Mouse!


I wear one cause they are warmer than beanies…

cords - 26 July 2012 04:20 AM

so when I do put one on, it makes me feel like I’m telling myself that I’m going to crash…

Interesting - I feel slightly more invincible wearing one LOL (not that i go off jumps)

I resisted for a long time (but way before people really started wearing one any way - but in the states it was really common.

I was living and working at Heavenly when Sonny Bono hit the tree and died.

That was the first time the debate really raged! After the incident Heavenly was one of the first resorts to make it compulsory for Kids to wear helmets in lessons and just added it to the current rental package at no extra cost.

That was 1997/98 I started wearing one in 2001/02


I wear mine id say 90% of the time. And we all know what happens when I dont shut eye

At the start of this season I wasnt wearing mine a few times. No probs never hit head (i know there is always the chance). I was only doing really cruisy riding in good snow condiotns. I think when I was riding fresh pow though I wore it. Azz can u remember? mite have to look at the pics

Wont go into park with out it (well not entirely true. I did do some straight airs at the start of the season with out it). But wont push any limits.

On the weekend it was pretty icey in the mrnings and my helmet wasnt fitting properly and I almost didnt wear it cos I was a bit ceebs. But I work it, and my first run down a green run, I was buttering on a board I hadnt ridden yet this year and I caught a heel edge and fell back, my head whipped into the hard ground. It sent a shockwave though my head, if I didnt wear it I’d prob be unconsious.

Just purchased a new helmet just now!! Sandbox Rasta shaka


bracer - 26 July 2012 04:12 AM

Hhmmm I don’t know about making them mandatory…. my anti-conformist nature starts to kick in…..

Having said that, I won’t ride without one cause I know how many times its saved me from concussion or a bad headache.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts. My helmet has certainly saved me from more serious injuries over a few solid headslams.

As for making it compulsory, I can’t see it being fully enforced much like bike helmets, Unfortunately in some cases Darwin’s Theory comes into play.


Just saw this - timely!


I got a helmet before I snowboarded for the first time. I also got and wear impact shorts and vest for spine protection. For me it was a requirement as my role sees me assessing individuals for disability services. I suppose by being exposed in that sense, it was a no brainer for me. Must say that even though I know of a few individuals sustain injuries requiring life long care, I figure that if it happened to me all kitted up, it was meant to be.
I’m trying to talk Mr Minx into getting a helmet. Hoping our newly acquired go pro will help in that respect. As for others, I’m not a preacher so people can do what they want. When I have my own children though, it’s not negotiable, regardless of age!


I’ve pretty much always worn mine. I did my first season without one and copped some pretty bad head knocks. Made sure I had one for the start of the following season and It’s paid for itself a few times. When I first started out I had a real knack of catching my heel edge and slamming down backwards onto my head.

TBH though, I’ve been thinking about ditching it lately as my riding has progressed and I’m falling much less. I’m kind of at this point where I’m good enough avoid a majour stack, but not good enough to do anything too wild. I’d definitely wear it in the park though.

Oh, and partly because being a lanky bloke, I look like a lolly-pop with my helmet on.  LOL


I agree with you Tills. You are a lanky bloke…hahaha jks. Nah, I mean on your statement about falling less. Only time I fall is if I’m trying new tricks. When I fell last week I was doing heaps of linked up butters, and trying new ones on a unfamiliar board. But still it can happen any time. Sometimes its not your fault. A rogue beginner out of control could hit you


Yeah, about the crashing thing… some of the times I’ve been saved from a headache has been when I’ve caught an edge and crashed and smacked my head whilst traversing an icy cat track .... nothing even remotely pushing my limits.


invested in a sandbox helmet this season, saved my head a few times already.