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List your Camera, Programs and lenses

Poll: whats your brand
Total Votes: 72
Lieca - i will rob your ass if you have one
Warren Chapstick - 06 July 2012 09:27 AM

Went looking at a few cameras the other day….........

And i was looking at the Nikon D5100 with a twin lense for $948.00…..

I want to use it down at the snow, when the boys are hitting booters etc, what do you guys think or would be best???

good little camera.
would say to go for just the body and get better glass.
nikon entry level lenses arent too bad but if you go body and a couple of primes you will get really good image quality


i need some new lenses, is ebay the way to go for buying them??
also any ideas what ones i should get??


Rick I have a really good website in my favourites, but that is on my home PC I will post it up later. I got it from our wedding photographer who only buys his equipment there. The prices are really good!!!

Rick0889 - 25 July 2012 03:56 AM

i need some new lenses, is ebay the way to go for buying them??
also any ideas what ones i should get??

these guys are decent.
real easy to deal with and great after sales service


This is the one I was talking about


DD are pretty decent.

I’ve bought most of my gear online. eGlobal and DWI have been the best places to deal with in my experience.

DWI even have an eBay store where you save a little more.

(hope it’s OK to post these links here. Please delete if not)

Both of these site have been great. I’ve received cameras and lenses within 4 days of ordering

Bear in mind both of these sites ship from overseas. They sell what you call grey import goods. Very good price, but they aren’t backed up by the local manufacturers warranty. They do however offer third party warranties, so you can still get repairs done via a local repair agent under warranty.

If you prefer to buy from a local seller, and/or want the security of a local manufacturers warranty, IMO opinion you can’t go past Digital Camera Warehouse, which Poonwah linked above.

Blizz, did you end up deciding on which camera to get?


Tills after looking at the DD site I think I am actually gonna go for the 7D. I only need the body as I bought a really good lense a couple years ago.

I want a new body for the speed (and quality of couse!) since I am shooting american football.


Oooooh!  cheese

I have the 7D and LOVE it. I was in the same boat as you are. Had most of my lenses, and wanted a fast body for sports.

AF system is really good, and 8fps, so for something like football it’s perrrrfect.

Good choice!


Tills - 25 July 2012 06:33 AM

Oooooh!  cheese

I have the 7D and LOVE it. I was in the same boat as you are. Had most of my lenses, and wanted a fast body for sports.

AF system is really good, and 8fps, so for something like football it’s perrrrfect.

Good choice!


Awesome to hear!!! I think you have helped me make up my mind!!!

blizzard_22 - 25 July 2012 05:36 AM

This is the one I was talking about

I got recommended them as well!

If my tax return is the same as last year & i get a good fare for Christmas (under$3k) I am getting a DSLR!


I love having a good camera, I mean it def needs an upgrade, but for now is doing the job!


Yeah I love my SLR. Just need a DSLR.

Until my current digital snap happy i only ever used/owned a SLR. We just didn’t have anything else in my family!

And we borrowed video camera’s from the news room. We used to have to white balance and every thing and I was like under 10!


Canon EOS Kiss X4 Body
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens (Kit Only)

Point and Shoot Digital:
Model   Tough 8010

Drift HD, won’t go into the specs most people know em..


Canon 5D MKII
Canon 7D (My BF’s camera, that i used to borrow before the 5D)
Canon 450D
canon 400D

Canon 18-55mm
Canon 70-300mm
Canon 50 F/1.8
Canon 28 F/2.8
Sigma 10-20mm
(Canon 5D MKII - does video but doesnt get used much for that)
Gopro HD Hero 2 x2 (and every mount except the vented helmet strap - 3x motorsport mounts)
Gopro HD Hero (original)
Sony Handy Cam

Canon 430EXII Speedlite

Adobe Photoshop CS5
Adobe LightRoom 3 (Primarily used for editing over photoshop itself,)
Windows Movie Maker (played with various other video editing software, but this is quick and easy, and does the job.. )

Tripod i got from dad, thats about 30 years old and solid as!
Gorilla pod, Flexible tripod/ grip mount
Canon RC-1 Remote for DSLR
Lowepro Fastpack250 Bag,

I think thats all!


Should I get a Canon 6D or the 5D markIII? I can’t decide whether the extra outlay will be worth it. Thoughts?