The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
A few from the past couple weeks:
In the mini terrain park at Selwyn
Kinda revisiting an old friend… This is taken from the bottom of Pretty Valley looking towards Mt Piper. Near the fence in the distance is where I broke my wrist in 2008![]()
It was a beautiful day on Saturday (21st July) at Perisher!
Great photos!!
Arrowhead earlier this year. One of the best days of that trip. Freezing frikken cold and nobody about, just cruising with my crew mucking around with the new go-pro.
anyone got anything to add to this thread after the conclusion of this season/the shred? Check the first post in the thread if you’re not sure what might go here!
This thread made me go through my fb pics. There’s only 1, yes 1, of me where I’m actually moving on a board. All the rest are just messy around in the snow pics.
Only pic of me actually riding….
2008, Orchard at Hotham.
Tried to add a photo in here from photobucket but it didn’t work. (and resizing it by adding width=700 in the img code which is what I normally do) any hints? or is this just a casualty of the current upgrades?
It worked at full size but was way too big.
Width =“700” should work?
its been working for me.. (even yesterday it worked,)
img src =“____” width =“800”
“<“at beginning “>” at end
______ is for the http
What spaz said, but with a space after src (before = )
What spaz said, but with a space after src (before = )
Thanks h0z. I’ve edited my post with your correction.
Funnily when I edited cords’ image I typed it in right without thought, before reading what you had posted.
I always go (img src=“_____” width=“800”)
Different brackets and it works fine too, I don’t think you need to use the brackets
Yeah, Wicked one cords!!!!! :yew:
I always go (img src=“_____” width=“800”)
Different brackets and it works fine too, I don’t think you need to use the brackets
the <> brackets (chevron brackets) are the standard html brackets..