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Do Ski Patrollers live a BETTER life than You?


Ski/snow patrollers, you get the idea! An interesting read, maybe time to move to Whistler!

What’s the best thing in the world? Well a strong argument can be made between sex and skiing. But then in close second, is blowing shit up and shooting artillery rounds. Then the soft part on a horse’s nose or chin might rank third. And if money is anywhere on your list then you can listen in too. So, what can be done so that you are assured to be making a hearty attempt at maximizing satisfaction in life? Be a ski patroller.

By my count, they get to frequently indulge in three and a half of these biological human cravings; that is, skiing, blowing shit up, shooting large guns at inanimate objects, and you kinda get money for it all (a half). And if thats not enough you get to hang out with cool dogs. It is no surprise then that the ski patrol continue to do their job very well. I have had my quarrels with ski patrol, but the fact remains that they are working hard to make lift-accessed skiing as sick as possible, and not to mention, safe, so that you and the Chad (the gaper) alike can stay alive. Oh yeah and so the mountain doesn’t get sued. Not only on Whistler do the ski patrol deserve some recognition, but take a moment to appreciate the work they do all over. They are all the same breed anyway and can be traced to a single common ancestor, whoever that ragged and selfless caveman may be, I sure as hell don’t know.

My relationship with the Ski patrol is a love hate relationship but nonetheless you should raise your glass, a crutch or your busted arm and lets give big up’s to the Ski Patrollers of this world! Thanks Guys

Ski Patrol get to: Shoot large guns, ski, throw dynamite, ski, drink beer, get first chair (before you even get up),  always have first run, play with dogs, ski, sit around in their hut and act cool, ski, drink beer, sell t-shirts, have fires, ski, drink beer, dig snow pits, learn about aspect and slope,  get to ride in helis, find dead bodies, break cornices, watch avalanches, ski cut, drink beer, play with their dog’s puppies, drink beer, ski, and help you if you’re hurt.


well the skiing ones automatically don’t - lolzzzzz

and I don’t feel I’m missing out on anything because I don’t get to shoot guns or blow stuff up…although I have to admit that scene in Art of Flight did make me laugh. I wish it didn’t though!


I wish i got to play with avi stuff downer

Why cords? In this context Avi control could save your life? It needs to be done in bounds.


never said it wasn’t necessary for avi control, just that I don’t feel any wish to be a part of it, or feel like my life would be better if I did get to participate.


I think it would be a pretty rad job!!!


im with you blizz, i think it’d be pretty sweet but then thinking about the other of lifes worries being a mortgage etc brings me back from my dream state of leaving work and doing it


Yeah that’s it RPS. I would love to do a season at the snow, but it is all the expenses at home that is stopping me! I am sure I’ll get around to doing it one day… maybe somewhere like Whistler so we could rent our house out while away!


I started looking around that site - how funny is this

I Present: City Girl vs. Local Girl
1) Snowsporting skills: Unless you are a teacher on call, a City Girl is lucky to get two days a week on the mountain. Local Girls hit the mountain all day, every day. Point: Local Girl

2) Hygiene: Based on my objective observations, Local Girls need to brush their hair more often. City Girls have nailed the whole hygiene thing. They even wear makeup! Point: City Girl.

3) Style: My favourite thing to do on a snowy Saturday evening is to watch the City Girls bail in the snow in their high heels and miniskirts. However, most City Girls adapt their dress to the climate while still putting some effort into their going-out outfits. Local Girls rarely venture beyond the plaid. Point: City Girl

4) Steeze: In Whistler, Local Girls can buy normal non-plaid clothes from Aritizia, the Gap and the Re-Use It Centre (debatable—there’s lots of plaid in there), so no wonder their style kind of sucks. Choices are limited. That being said, they can buy outerwear from one of six million shops in the Village. They might wear the same shirt four days in a row, but they have a different snowboard jacket for every day of the week. City Girls have been using the same jacket since high school. Point: Local Girl.

5) Partying Skills: In Whistler, YOU CAN GO OUT ON A MONDAY AND IT STILL FEELS LIKE A SATURDAY IN ANY OTHER PLACE ON EARTH. That is still so crazy to me (leftover City Girlness). Point: Local Girl.

6) Capability of Buying You Stuff: City Girls buy square watermelons at Urban Fare and can afford to drive up to Whistler every weekend and stay in hotels. Local Girls work minimal hours while making minimum wage. Point: City Girl.

7) Likelihood of Being Attracted to You: City Girl is used to being surrounded by men in suits which delightfully short hair. Immersed in the Whistler scene, a Local Girl finds herself warming up to toques, longer hair and even scuzzy beards. If you sport any of these, then your odds are much higher with a Local Girl. Point: Local Girl.

8) Likelihood of Girl Interfering With Your Mountain Days: City Girl will stay out of your hair Monday to Friday, allowing you to enjoy pow days with your buddies uninterrupted. BUT, if Local Girl is awesome, she has no problem keeping up with you on the aforementioned pow days. Point: It’s a tie.

9) Availability: City Girls are easy to find. Just go to any underground bar on a Saturday night. In the city, she is used to having to actually fight for a boy’s attention at a bar, since she is not outnumbered like she is in Whistler. Easy catch. As for Local Girl, first of all, good luck finding one. Secondly, if you DO find one, she’s probably already been snatched up. Point: City Girl.

10) Long Term Love Potential: Although City Girl thinks your ability to do fancy upside down things on skis is pretty amazing, she’s going to eventually start getting nervous over the fact that you get paid in free ski gear and that you haven’t started saving for retirement. Local Girl thinks it’s dreamy that you are funemployed and so passionate about the mountain… until her visa expires and she is forced to return to the land of Tim Tams. Point: Trick question, you’re never going to find long term love in Whistler.

According to my undisputable objective calculations, the final score is:
City Girl – 5
Local Girl – 5


that read like an episode of sex and the city to me….


Hahaha LOL


LOL hilarious oz, good find!

C’mon cords, not everyone hates SATC… grin


I found it hilarious!

I am half city girl/ half local! I should be the perfect woman! Right??


Perfect or worst… depends if you look at it glass half empty or glass half full. lol


Well for me you get to choose!

For you well yeah its def half empty… City Boi!


LOL I enjoyed reading that haha


my perfect life would involve shooting shit, blowing shit up, snowboarding, drinking, eating, some sleeping, girls.

The end.