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Perisher 2012


I often hang outside Jax for 5-10 min before the V8 starts loading (on the deck near the V8).

txt your digits to: 0435872173 and we can make contact.

Dropbear - 22 July 2012 10:59 PM

Cheers Dyland and Spaz smile

haha the FV park is a bit beyond me at the moment…  I’ve been hitting Piper and Liechardt last season but don’t have that much confidence in the air yet.

My brother and I are just about to leave Sydney for Perisher now, staying in Perisher, so my first on snow day will be tomorrow (Tuesday).

Do you guys have a typical meeting time and place or anything?

haha yea its abit beyond me too, but i want to hit it by the end of next week


This is an exact copy of a post in the daily line up, so ignore it if you have seen it. I thought I should post it here, as I failed to reply to some SMS and PMs that were linked to this thread…sorry about that.

Hello people.

I have been on a self imposed exile from Boardworld (and anything to do with snowboarding in general) for the last little week and a bit… be honest I was #$#$#King hating snowboarding and didn’t want much to do with it, plus I didn’t want people to have to deal with that.

short story- I crashed (as usual) and I could be out for the season….but after a week of being an angry bastard, I think I am off the neg train now! I’ll do a trip report sometime this week about it.

lets just say these conditions got me a little too excited

and resulted in old man Crackers

edit- Just had a look and holy crap there is a lot of posts written over 10days….might take me a while to get up to speed


for anyone thats gunna be around jindy saturday 4/8/12 (or needs some encouragement to get there)

ozgirl - 15 July 2012 08:16 AM


How you been Andy?

Twas not I…I wouldnt have been caught dead on that chair when there was pow to be had! I don’t often say POW in connection with Australia either haha. In hindsight I wouldn’t be injured if Id stuck to that chair though!

cords - 16 July 2012 03:48 AM

Nate Johnstone has sick style. Interesting article, thanks for posting. Amusing that they never found out Brandon’s last name and just left ???? in the space. haha

To be honest I though that Article was ‘meh’, as you say. They cater for the super advanced rider, how many of them are there? but they forget about the average park guy wanting to improve (who pays the their wages? its not the top 2% of riders that’s for sure), if one resort gets a decent ‘learning line’ , with fast turn around and say 10+ jumps in a row (say all between 10-25ft) i will get a season pass there every season. I don’t care if they have a billion foot jump (it is sick to watch on film but doesn’t make me go to that resort), id rather they built 20 fun jumps with that snow.for example Piper park is too small, leichardt is too shot and massive turn around time for 2 jumps, front valley is most too big for me to learn new stuff on or has long lines. Not sure what the mexican resorts are like but the NSW are shite in that regard. Every time I go overseas i am reminded of that.

slightly irrational rant over.

snowbum_spaz - 16 July 2012 03:54 AM

Anyone up here Mon, Tue, Wed - This week?

I’m sick of riding alone.

Maaaate…..on the Saturday/sunday I smsd you, I rang you and no reply.
I ever had a potential hook up of free cat ride and days riding at Charlottes for the monday!


not irrational at all and something I have banged on about myself before and many times. I wrote on thredbo’s facebook about it to them heaps…the merritt’s park is supposed to be the beginner park but had gaps on to every single box except for the dance floor - what??!?! so stupid. I could go on about this forever actually.


Sorry mate, but I’m also struggling to find the “irrational” part.

Actually, I’ll add to it by saying that as some freeriders actually care about the condition of their edges, they’re not too ken on boxes/rails - but it’d still be nice to hit a fun jump line. I view a minimal amount of jumps swamped by an abundance of boxes/rails as cheapness/laziness on the part of resort management. It’s all about being able to claim a long list of “features” in snow reports.


haha seems I am not alone. To be fair I should also be advocating for better beginners parks like Piper park as well. Beginners pay just as much coin as the next man and they shouldn’t have to learn on shitty jumps. Piper T could have 30 mounds and 10ft jumps in a row, it doesn’t need much snow to build small jumps, plus they rarely get shaped by park crew during the day. How much effort would it take to shape a few more mini jumps and send the park crew through with rakes a few times a day. not much!

less irrational rant over LOL

shitty spelling and grammar continued ollie


agreed, agreed, agreed. Beginner jumps and features are just as important as the FV park ones…and arguably way more important. Having the ability to work up to things generally would stop 1 or 2 weekend a year punters hurting themselves on a jump that is far too big for them.


100% agreed!


Ooh my pet subject!  Please god will someone please listen to me and set up a line of 8 X 20ft booters in Leichardt Park, I do not give two shits about rails, to be quite frank they actually annoy me, all I see is a spot where they coulda put in more jumps.  Even 4 jumps in a row, gives you the capability to actually throw the same thing 4 times in a row to get it really dialled rather than two cracks at it then 15 mins for the next crack. 

20ft is plenty to spin 3’s for sure and 5’s I reckon (not that I can) and probably 7’s for the really good riders.  It also is not super big and you don’t usually get too high.  I’m with the rest of you in that rails are easy to put in so that’s why the majority of resorts do it, not that there is any great demand for them.  Maybe I’m wrong but I’m entitled to my opinion and that’s what I want, 8 X 20-25ft booters in the leichardt park with a line of 15 X 10 fters next to it ha ha!  That way your less advanced mates can lap the same park with you over and over.  I really don’t think Leichardt is the best spot for a park TBH, takes ages to lap it and the Tbar can get a bit much over there, any ideas on a spot to put 28 jumps in a row at Perisher and make me happy?  Mt P triple perhaps?


haha so with you on that. I don’t mind the odd box/dance floor but a sweet line of at least 4-5 smaller jumps would be so epic!

nthnbeachesguy - 25 July 2012 12:09 AM

20ft is plenty to spin 3’s for sure and 5’s I reckon (not that I can) and probably 7’s for the really good riders.

SURE IS!!! last time i was at leichardt park there was guys doing switch rodeos and flips and stuff (on ski’s, but you get the point)