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What was your first trick??


90 degree half-cabs pivoted the rest of the way

jamesskates - 20 July 2012 01:22 PM
xnonymous - 20 July 2012 10:52 AM

Has anyone learnt to primo?

whats that?

Some people call it rail stand/rail slide. Here, primo:


cant go to link, but ill just look it up on youtube haha, thanks


Is the link not working? Sorry, I’m posting from my iPod. Did you find a video?


yea, and thats what theyre called , i never knew. rodney mullen is the king of these haha


Rodney Mullen is the king of primos for sure. I saw a couple of websites list the primo as one of the basic tricks that you can learn when you start off skating so I was wondering if anyone’s got it down pat


i learned pop shoves first. still probably my favorite trick besides all the freestyle stuff


I need to get my ollie higher in order to do even try to do the pop shuvit :( I can’t wait to able to do a few more tricks


me too, landed my first kickflip yesterday, it was off a curb. i barely landed it , but i did it shaka


Congrats James smile

xnonymous - 24 July 2012 11:57 AM

Congrats James smile

thanks, my front foot was barely on it , going out now and gona try land it cleaner


Kickflips are fun. another easy first trick is hippie jumps

RockenPunk - 24 July 2012 04:41 PM

Kickflips are fun. another easy first trick is hippie jumps

yea, hippie jumps are alot easier to learn than kickflips


rocker pop shove-it


After ollies it was pop shove its and pressure flips (these were massive in 96).