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Fastest you’ve been on a snowboard?



And with no hands!!!!!


If you’ve been on any domestic or international airliner, you can definitely tick that box.

I’ll be sitting in the front seat of this thing pretty soon. Not as fast, but hell of a lot more scary.  cool smile


Got the app this weekend, only used it a couple of times but my best speed was 76k on Australia drift at hotham - and could’ve gone harder!
I think I’ll get addicted to it!


whats this app, Billy? i cant wait to see how fast I can actually go… nothing more than 30k’s i reckon! raspberry


Ski tracks aj! Think it’s 99c - big spender!


76k? not bad at all! my mate got a top speed of 75k. but it was fairly slushy so speed was an issue.

I have just got the app aswell. im going to take my gnu stiff,long cambered board with me next tie to the snow and attempt a high speed run.


Pffffft 30ks… You were killin’ it last week!!


The drift is great for that… Just point it straight and go!

TJswish - 19 July 2012 11:29 PM

My old lancer 95 model got to 150 before we got the shakes.

On the drive back to the gong yesterday my uterus started slightly shaking at 120km/h, i dont think its been that fast in the time i have owned it!

Mizu Kuma - 20 July 2012 04:05 AM

Our Subie Outback does 190 as easy as it does 50!!!!!

Had it there on the Hume one night, for a good 15mins!!!!!

Had there been a HWY Patrol, I think I would’ve gone to the lock up!!!!!  sick

Had somethin gone wrong, I would’ve been in a box!!!!! Pretty stupid really, and somethin I wont do ever again!!!!!

The things i have done in my rx7 and skyline back in the day…some of them make me shudder to think what would have happened if i lost traction at any point…

Tills - 20 July 2012 04:10 AM

I love how this thread has turned from “Fastest you’ve been on a snowboard?” into “Fastest you’ve been in a car?”  tongue wink

this thread used to be cool rolleyes




Fast Eddie has that app…..

I was chasing him down high noon and when we get to the lift he clocked 99.5kms

Not to bad haha


Do we get a prize? haha 102.4?