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Mines a hard flip comment down bellow on what yours is
I love a 50-50 grind. Sure it’s basic but when done smooth and with Steeze there’s nothing better than that sound and feeling to me.
I love flatland tricks. Rodney Mullen is a beast!
This is defiantly my fav trick of all time.
But if your looking for my fav Real life trick. i’d say melon grab. I just love it so much, mainly cause it’s the first trick i tried lol.
kickflip to 5-0 is pretty sick
or a tre flip
or a shuvit to manual
I have two and they are both simple but very fun,Kickflip because most flatground tricks originated from it and 50-50 grind because it gives you an awesome feeling
This is my favorite
I love flatland tricks. Rodney Mullen is a beast!
I second this. I love watching hand tricks too, especially on vert ramps. I just like tricks that are way out of my skill level really.
mines probably a simple long manual
My favorite trick is the 360 flip jajaja
This is a generic answer, but Kickflip
This is a generic answer, but Kickflip
Yep. Got to agree with you here.
Kickflip for me also…but love 360 flips.
Rolling, just that freedom of being on a board and everyone else missing out on that feeling makes it for me.