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What will you watch in the Olympic Games?


I will watch the cycling road race, time trial and mountain biking. andwatever else we can win . .

chucky - 20 July 2012 03:23 AM

It seems that Michelle Jenneke’s pre-race warmup is rapidly becoming international news. I want to be the first person who gets in with a “throw a leg over” comment!!!

(y’know - hurdling)  tongue wink

Well Michelle will be very pleased her plan worked!


I will be watchin any Aussie events that I can!!!!!

I will def watch the Hockey though as not only did I play rep as a youngster, I will be barrackin for Casey Eastham in the Hockeyroos !!!!!

And before any remarks are made about her, I’m just lettin ya know that she was my daughters best friend growin up, so she was kinda like one of my own kids!!!!!


Ill pretty much watch anything that A. we might win in & B. the female athletes wear skin tight and/or little clothing. Excluding weightlifting, those girls be scary yo!

Mizu Kuma - 20 July 2012 05:54 AM

I will be watchin any Aussie events that I can!!!!!

I will def watch the Hockey though as not only did I play rep as a youngster, I will be barrackin for Casey Eastham in the Hockeyroos !!!!!

And before any remarks are made about her, I’m just lettin ya know that she was my daughters best friend growin up, so she was kinda like one of my own kids!!!!!

Sweet, Mizu! I went to school with Glenn Turner who plays in kookaburras (played school hockey with his two sisters) and played my first ever game of hockey against Nicole Arrold, who I don’t think made the squad for the hockeyroos, unfortunately.

Add hockey to my list of everything I’ll be watching. It is such a good sport!

cords - 20 July 2012 06:42 AM

Add hockey to my list of everything I’ll be watching. It is such a good sport!

Sure is! I played Rep hockey as a youngun kind of wish I hadn’t stopped playing but you have different priorities when you turn 18.

A bunch of guys I played with or against went on to play for Australia and a couple of girls from my high school went on to play for the hockeyroos.

The game has changed quite a bit since though, not a wooden stick in site and they wear masks during short corners what’s that!

It will be interesting to see BMX in the Olympics I’m hoping it’s a bit like boardercross was in the winter olympics. I knew nothing about snowboarding at the time but still found it a blast to watch.


Haahaaa, they use masks so ya head doesn’t get smashed by a missile!!!!!

I went and had a run with the local team a couple of years ago!!!!! We took home the trophy!!!!!

The only problem with playin for me was while my brain still operated in game mode, my body couldn’t take the abuse!!!!!! By the time I had recovered from a game the cycle started again!!!!!

Who was ya local team, DRC????? Did ya play back in the days of real grass????? (Or am I just bein too old)

Mizu Kuma - 20 July 2012 08:22 AM

Haahaaa, they use masks so ya head doesn’t get smashed by a missile!!!!!

I went and had a run with the local team a couple of years ago!!!!! We took home the trophy!!!!!

The only problem with playin for me was while my brain still operated in game mode, my body couldn’t take the abuse!!!!!! By the time I had recovered from a game the cycle started again!!!!!

Who was ya local team, DRC????? Did ya play back in the days of real grass????? (Or am I just bein too old)

Haha ok well maybe I said that with a touch of jealousy. Back in my day even though I wasn’t a defender I got the joy of having to be the first runner out when defending a short corner with nothing but a mouth guard and shin pads.

Congrats on the trophy I’d love to have another hit and actually tried to find a local team (no such thing out here) but I suspect I’d be severely dissapointed in how I’d play these days.

I played for a bunch of different teams. The team I spent most of my time in was the Macarthur Region Rep team (green and yellow). Did stints in the Sydney Rep Team (blue and yellow). Also did a bit of NSW state rep during school. How bout you? I think we travelled down the coast a couple of times for comps.

Haha yeah had to occasionally put up with real grass pitches (mostly in the earlier days) and they were deadly once you came up against people who could hit a ball, so unpredictable and always took a while to adjust back to trapping with an upright stick.

Next step was sand base turf I probably still have skin left behind in them. After that pretty much everything was water base. Played a lot at Homebush which was good.

Some of the worst pitches I remember was Newcastle’s water base where you would constantly slip over even at walking speed it was like someone had sprayed it with oil.

I also never liked our trips to Bathurst/Orange where you would be running around in shorts/shirt in 0 degree weather and it felt like your hands shattered every time the ball hit your stick.


Yep, I was always first runner out on the short corners cos I was the quickest over that distance…just a mouthguard and shinnies as well!

Grass pitches are ridiculous but played all of my first games of hockey on them, then when I moved up to U/18s we got to play on the water-based synthetic pitches at the AIS or at Lyneham. Had quite a few 8am games at the AIS that were cancelled cos the pitch was frozen over! Good ole Canberra….Watched quite a few Hockeyroos and Kookaburras games at Lyneham, too.


I might watch the BBall if I can. I played against Patty Mills before. Suffice to say, they smashed us (he was the MVP 2 years younger than everyone else lol)


I will be watching as much as I can, except for synchronized swimming. Worked at Sydney Olympics and had access to all areas which is hard to beat. Watched that much hockey there it was ridiculous. Looking forward to BMX.


yeah keen for the BMX and the B-ball as well!


I had all access to the Sydney Olympic Mountain Biking - but that was it.

A mate of mine had a killer gig at the Sydney Olympics. He’s a news cameraman, and among other things, covered the womens’ beach volleyball, and the underwater shots for the womens’ water polo!!!


Had no idea there was BMX in the Olympics… I’ll definitely try to watch that.


probably just watch the boxing