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Is it friggen cold this mornin?????


Yep a cold morning for sure! Car was displaying 6 degrees on the way to work!

cords - 20 July 2012 12:24 AM

yep its freezing. Was 6 degrees INSIDE our house the other morning, pretty sure it was the same or close to this morning…STUPID cheap-ass australian houses with no insulation & stupid, stupid designs! There is no point even putting on a heater in the living area of our house in the evenings, all the warm air just escapes…so we sit there in thermals and jumpers and beanies.

Can’t wait to get to winter in sweden, with properly built houses where it can be -20 out and a stays a perfect 20 inside, with almost no heating effort. BRING IT ON!

Totally agree with you Cords! I hate the cold!

But all my friends say “how can that be you love the snow!”

But it is totally different in the snow. Even in Jindy the houses are better built and have heating in most rooms. Even my parents who used to live in syd with windows permanently locked open year round, actually close windows in Jindy!

We even have a heater in the bathroom which I am allowed to use! (vs Sydney with the bathroom window permanently locked open!)

We have heaters built into each room but I am not allowed to use that (only golden childs room is allowed to have the heater on!) but it is still a warmer house than in Sydney (with only had a heater in the lounge!


yeah its not necessarily about the heaters in every room (although under the tile heaters in the bathroom are epic!) more about the clever design & building techniques that means the heat you put in, doesn’t just escape. Even when its freezing freezing freezing, heaters are probably on only half the time & you walk around inside in shorts and a t-shirt.


A balmy -5 this morning in Canberra, so yes, it was cold!!!


It was just a clear night.
Yer all whingers (except Cords - I totally agree).

It’s beautiful in the sun now.


2 degrees in Perth this morn


nthnbeachesguy - 19 July 2012 09:56 PM
Tills - 19 July 2012 09:48 PM

My car was showing 8deg when I left for work this morning. TBH it felt a little warmer.

I’ve been entertaining the idea of getting up an hour early in the mornings to go for a run, but I just can’t do it. Every time the alarm goes off I turn it off and go back to sleep. The cold doesn’t help.

I would much prefer to go for a run, get warmer quicker but not really supposed to do that with my back right now.  A little embarassing, every morning this blonde girl runs past me and I’m just walking like some unfit retiree.

Why didn’t ya get her to help ya across the road then?????

Tills - 19 July 2012 10:15 PM
nthnbeachesguy - 19 July 2012 09:56 PM
Tills - 19 July 2012 09:48 PM

My car was showing 8deg when I left for work this morning. TBH it felt a little warmer.

I’ve been entertaining the idea of getting up an hour early in the mornings to go for a run, but I just can’t do it. Every time the alarm goes off I turn it off and go back to sleep. The cold doesn’t help.

I would much prefer to go for a run, get warmer quicker but not really supposed to do that with my back right now.  A little embarassing, every morning this blonde girl runs past me and I’m just walking like some unfit retiree.

Can you do more intense, but lower impact work like bike, or cross-trainer or something? I know some blokes think jumping on a cross-trainer is a bit namby pamby, but at least you’d be able to get the heart going.

I used to use the crosstrainer all the time when I was at Finance First, not worried about the look at all.


Im seeing alot of “im going soft and need a bowl of concrete” in this thread LOL
530 starts in canberra with the therm-a-hometer reading a balmy -5 and feeling in fingers and toes at a minimum, its almost getting to long pants temperatures, but not quite, shorts until it gets down past the -7 mark


Let me know when you’ve got a chest and I’ll give ya medal to pin on it bud ha ha ha!


I have to agree Dylan. I walk around sydney in a business shirt and slacks (cause I have to) and am toasty warm.


Im doing Nightshift near the boarder of WA and SA gets friggin cold here at 3am…..


I am walking at 40+ in Vegas freaking hot

nthnbeachesguy - 22 July 2012 09:13 AM

Let me know when you’ve got a chest and I’ll give ya medal to pin on it bud ha ha ha!

dw they already gave me a metal hahaha


Gonna be cold tomorrow, it was 1 tonight at training. Dark was extremely cold afterwards and there was even ice forming over everyones bags!