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Fastest you’ve been on a snowboard?

drc13 - 18 July 2012 02:56 AM
ozgirl - 17 July 2012 11:48 PM
LowGuido - 17 July 2012 10:44 PM

some mates and I were doing speed trials down zalis and we were clocking about 77km/h down that last section before the lift.
surface wasnt great and there was lots of people around. 80’s is totally possible.

Lalalala I’m not listening…....

Haha I did think twice before posting about my zalis run smile

It does feel like a bit of a tease sticking a slow sign right at the end of the fun bit!

there was no slow signs when we were doing it. and we were not using the perisher app we were using a GPS speedometer.

TJswish - 18 July 2012 02:59 PM

Yep, my bike is a CBR600 and I can confirm that you move the throttle 5mm and you’re up 50km/h lol.

haha yeh its something that catches you off gaurd at first when you go from a slower/smaller bike to a half decent/powerful bike, twitch the wrist and bam! your going a shitload faster then you were!

deanobruce - 18 July 2012 10:52 PM
TJswish - 18 July 2012 02:59 PM

Yep, my bike is a CBR600 and I can confirm that you move the throttle 5mm and you’re up 50km/h lol.

haha yeh its something that catches you off gaurd at first when you go from a slower/smaller bike to a half decent/powerful bike, twitch the wrist and bam! your going a shitload faster then you were!

Yep, though I’m used to it now, you can control it a lot better. It’s just weird getting on smaller bikes now.


I reckon the max you could do on Zali’s is 80kmh.
If you had a death wish (and the balls), ignored blind knolls and totally committed to speed from the top you might get 100kmh on absolute tuned in equipment IF you nailed the perfect line.

I now limit myself to just over 60kmh (estimate) My knee is not strong enough to make corrections at higher speeds. But I still bust-out on the odd fast section and get a short 80kmh adrenaline hit.

Above 65-80 is seriously fast. 80-100 is out of control. Above 100 and you’re looking for ways to wash off speed because it’s near impossible to turn or stay connected to the ice (you need icy conditions to get that fast - I’ve heard Olympic style race skiing is done on courses they water with a hose).

My fastest:
2006 (terrible season all man made and during an icy morning)
The two of us had decided on the fastest groomed line from the top of Kosci chair to VT - we had been training up high speed for a few weeks. Each day we (a skier friend on 210s) used dedicated, top end GPS units provided by a company. They proved pretty accurate (sometimes bugged out on a run but generally very good).
He maxed his GPS at 121kmh
My GPS maxed at 114kmh

I finished 20m behind him (we started level). Before this day I was getting regular 85-90kmh readings.
Together and in discussion with the people who provided the GPS (who had computer algorithms to correct data - tested over 2 years for skiing) we decided we could safely say we went over 100kmh. Without a clear radar read it’s hard to say for sure. But the read-out provided full analyses of the run (since lost).
Over drinks I often talk it up as 110-120.

Generally people dispute the claim.
But people who know speed are impressed - Jezza reckons I bust 80kmh in my vids every now/then.

To bust 100 you need to hold 80kmh coming into the fast sections THAT’S YOUR LOW SPEED!
In the 2006 Top2Bottom my max was 88kmh (but it had GS gates to negotiate).



i was just worried i’d hit someone else. i’d love just to have an open run at it.

100kmph i will defeat you!!

TJswish - 18 July 2012 02:59 PM
mattyp - 18 July 2012 01:29 PM
deanobruce - 18 July 2012 02:47 AM
TJswish - 18 July 2012 02:35 AM

My fastest on the motorbike is about 150.

The difference between 100-110 is huge, the difference between 110 and 150 is bugger all… lol

I have hit 140 on a bike…scariest thing i have ever done BAR NOTHING! Only cause my bike riding skills were pretty shocking back then! Hell even know id prob still shit myself!

A mate has a R1 and he has shown me dash cam footage of his late night high speed runs back in the day…that shit cray.

The annoying thing about powerful road bikes, is at just a twitch of the wrist, you can go from 100k’s to 140-150 with no drama’s..

Fastest iv ever been on a bike is 160, i was the rear passenger, going down a hill on a CBR600 or something.
Felt like we where just cruising to be honest, wasnt really paying attention of the speed we where doing untill I looked down at the speedo….

Yep, my bike is a CBR600 and I can confirm that you move the throttle 5mm and you’re up 50km/h lol.

When I took my mates Rocket III for a spin, I thought that I was gonna start flappin off the back of it when I twisted the throttle!!!!! LOL


My mate had a GSX-R 750 a year or so back. He took me for a ride around the back of Eastern Creek. We were sitting on about 90-100 when he opened it up, and I saw 175 on the speedo before I had to close my eyes. I only had a moto helmet on with no goggles or glasses, and my eyes were watering something shocking.

That’s as fast as I ever care to go. On a bike at least.

On a snowboard, I reckon I’ve gone faster down a slope on my back.  LOL


Does 190 kph in a diesel Hyundai i30 count as cool in this thread?  cool smile

The engine is about half the size of most motorbikes LOL


Hahaha Azz, does an i30 actually hit 190??


I used to get my Subaru Sherpa up to 140 on the freeway!!!!!

2 cylinders of pure grunt!!!!! LOL


According to my friend’s gps I think it’s 78 km/h but the next week I tried again w/out the gps and it feels just a bit faster maybe around 80km/h.

EDIT: and yes, following Jeremy gotta be some of the fastest lap I’ve done (even though it’s “cruising speed” for him long face haha)

Tills - 19 July 2012 11:37 AM

Hahaha Azz, does an i30 actually hit 190??

Ours certainly does cool smile

Need a fair bit of road though.

I am sure its good for 200, just have not found the right place to do it yet downer

Our old Landcruiser did it no sweat at all, was gnarly shaka


As per drc’s post of 80km/h in pg1 of this thread we did Zali’s one after the other following not too far behind, according to the perisher app I maxed out at 84.9km/h. Again, no idea how accurate it’s recording it as it does say on some runs I’ve hit 130+ lol but considered this reading to be close considering we both had similar speeds for the same run. Was pretty cool looking back up when we got to the bottom to see two straight tracks coming down the final dip side by side haha

I was riding a 146 burton dominant and weigh about 83

Azz - 19 July 2012 09:32 PM
Tills - 19 July 2012 11:37 AM

Hahaha Azz, does an i30 actually hit 190??

Ours certainly does cool smile

Need a fair bit of road though.

I am sure its good for 200, just have not found the right place to do it yet downer

Our old Landcruiser did it no sweat at all, was gnarly shaka

My excel used to shake all of the place at 120! It was a great speed check for snow trips though! loved sitting around 110, it was comfy there!


My old lancer 95 model got to 150 before we got the shakes.