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The Game Of Life.. idea for the shred


So my housemates and I along with a few others here in Whistler play this game called ‘The Game Of Life’ and it’s a fun game that will catch everybody out and has nothing but positives associated with it. (By positives I mean fitness and also when you’re drinking it’ll get you drunk quicker hahaha)

Basically you can’t say 5 words, if you say one of those words it’s 10 push ups when you’re at your place, but if you’re out in public and say one of the words then it’s 20.

The 5 words are:

Just wondering if you guys would be keen on playing it down at the shred.


I’ll play if it is you say one of those words and have to scull ur beer LOL


We can replace ‘beer’ with ‘shoey’ haha. I’m in! LOL

rider26 - 19 July 2012 06:31 AM

We can replace ‘beer’ with ‘shoey’ haha. I’m in! LOL

I’m in, Jeremy’s snowboard boots for all shoey’s this year right?


Haha yeah I’m in!

How’s Whistler in summer finney? Super chilled? Loving it? I’m looking forward to catching up at the shred mate. Shame we won’t have all the awesome places to eat and drink after a day of shredding like in Whistler though haha. So much fun… Last I heard you were staying in the room with Matt and I.


I am in


Can I play via TXT or Skype?????  long face


You get back in your cave and hibernate Water Bear smirk


Some suggestions on the “rules”

Push ups to be done on the spot.
No waiting around until you get home, it’s awesome seeing someone have to drop and give 10 in the lift line or at the bar. Limited to 10 on the spot, multiple infringements can be payed later.

We always played it using one word “mine”. It has more than fitness benefits it teaches you the value of ownership and selfishness, as well as how to avoid being baited into a situation (saying the word). Not sure about 5 words - my small brain can only remember one thing at a time.

TJswish - 19 July 2012 12:04 PM
rider26 - 19 July 2012 06:31 AM

We can replace ‘beer’ with ‘shoey’ haha. I’m in! LOL

I’m in, Jeremy’s snowboard boots for all shoey’s this year right?

No worries! I will bring my old boots which did 300 days. LOL  sick

snowbum_spaz - 20 July 2012 12:16 AM

Some suggestions on the “rules”

Push ups to be done on the spot.
No waiting around until you get home, it’s awesome seeing someone have to drop and give 10 in the lift line or at the bar. Limited to 10 on the spot, multiple infringements can be payed later.

We always played it using one word “mine”. It has more than fitness benefits it teaches you the value of ownership and selfishness, as well as how to avoid being baited into a situation (saying the word). Not sure about 5 words - my small brain can only remember one thing at a time.

Yep, we always just played 1 word “mine” and you still get quite a few people dropping to the ground smile


If we were all playing for an extended period then the one word would be fine but given it’s for the one week I think it’ll be far more interesting/intense with the 5 hahaha. Thats what I got thrown into here in Whistler and it’s been hilarious - went out for a housemates birthday and there were over 200 done just at the dinner.. all up everyone cracked over 100 that night so that would have been a total of 700+

As for 10 on the spot - 10 if it’s at the sundeck otherwise 20 anywhere else. 50+ you can choose to do pushups or starjumps raspberry

Completely agree that pushups must be done on the spot (unless of course you’re riding a lift in which case they are to be done after unloading).

Dan: Whistler in Summer is great.. have had plenty of sunny days and yes it is super chilled.. very happy with the decision to stay on through the off season. Public park on the glacier is pretty cool aswell, hoping to get back up there again this coming weekend.


Spounds sick will des be doing that next time I’m down there hahah


IN for the win!!! LOL