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Snowboarding Photography Contest 2012 - Closes: Oct 14


You can still write up a TR for us to enjoy thought!! and its good to do to look back on the trip.



i always keep a diary of sorts. might just do that.


well, if you want to get technical, the photo contest is SoHe only too. Also, it’s Holmes, not homes.  tongue wink
However, putting up lots of content like photos and cool TR’s about places we can only dream about going to will get you lots of bonus points for the member of the week contest.

Gamblor - 18 July 2012 06:24 AM

However, putting up lots of content like photos and cool TR’s about places we can only dream about going to will get you lots of bonus points for the member of the week contest.



Backcountry Bluebirds
Jeremy Shanahan


Backcountry Booters
Jeremy Shanahan

Uploaded with


Sick shots mate! Welcome to Boardworld.
I reckon the top shot would b better if the rider was a bit more above the horizon line. Maybe If u got a bit lower.
Second one is rad

Gamblor - 18 July 2012 06:24 AM

. . . it’s Holmes, not homes.  tongue wink

Both are widely used, and either is acceptable, but as it’s a derivative of ‘homeboy’, ‘homie’, ‘homeslice’ etc. - ‘homes’ is more of an accurate abbreviation (unless the bloke you’re referring to has the physical attributes of a pornstar).

Gamblor - 16 July 2012 09:36 AM
NielsC - 16 July 2012 08:27 AM

Trev Ponting Shredding pow at Mt Hutt NZ late june this year 24/06/2012. Epic start to the season.

Getting the ball rolling for this seasons photo comp.

oh man, I know I shouldn’t comment but dude you could have won the contest with that shot.
1. get your horizon straight, you’re making it look less steep than it is!
2. get those two bars out of your shot. it would look better as a pure backcountry shot. Don’t make it look like you’re standing by a lift pole.
3. take a couple of steps closer to get rid of those other tracks in the shot.

This, plus:

4. Effective cropping is a valuable asset.
5. That fugly watermark is NOT.

chucky - 18 July 2012 11:14 AM
Gamblor - 18 July 2012 06:24 AM

. . . it’s Holmes, not homes.  tongue wink

Both are widely used, and either is acceptable, but as it’s a derivative of ‘homeboy’, ‘homie’, ‘homeslice’ etc. - ‘homes’ is more of an accurate abbreviation (unless the bloke you’re referring to has the physical attributes of a pornstar).

wow, and all along I thought it had porn star connotations! teacherboy

i’ll eat my crow now


sick pic, jeremy raspberry

DylanV - 16 July 2012 01:09 AM

Awesome shots Llama!!! keep em coming shred


chucky - 18 July 2012 11:17 AM
Gamblor - 16 July 2012 09:36 AM
NielsC - 16 July 2012 08:27 AM

Trev Ponting Shredding pow at Mt Hutt NZ late june this year 24/06/2012. Epic start to the season.

Getting the ball rolling for this seasons photo comp.

oh man, I know I shouldn’t comment but dude you could have won the contest with that shot.
1. get your horizon straight, you’re making it look less steep than it is!
2. get those two bars out of your shot. it would look better as a pure backcountry shot. Don’t make it look like you’re standing by a lift pole.
3. take a couple of steps closer to get rid of those other tracks in the shot.

This, plus:

4. Effective cropping is a valuable asset.
5. That fugly watermark is NOT.

I totally agree with Gamblor on this. It’s a cracker shot in an amazing location, only let down by some easily fixed adjustments before snapping. You could PS it to remove the faults but it’s far easier to compose correctly on-site.
Still though, an awesome 1st entry. I would love to see an image from the same location after a fresh snow fall and with a sunrise/sunset glow…..Bang! There’s your cover shot.

JeremyShanahan - 18 July 2012 08:56 AM

Backcountry Bluebirds
Jeremy Shanahan

Hey Jeremy, sick shot buddy. Well timed with the rider grabbing and boning out the back leg.
Maybe try getting back to this location after some fresh, that way there will be none of the ugly rubble and footprints everywhere. Get yourself low down to the ground too, that’ll give the rider some nice clear sky to sail through.


Great shots, Jeremy. Welcome to Boardworld. cool smile