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Snowboarding Short Film Contest 2012

Jordan - 01 July 2012 11:35 PM
redjames - 26 June 2012 12:01 PM

Here is my video edit from perisher last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy

loving the landing at 3:03 mate wink

ah ha yeah i certainly buried myself there. Wasnt expecting that much air lucky for the soft landing.

cheers guys


What up guys here is my edit for the contest.
Shoot in Thredbo between the 20/6/2012 and the 25/06/2012



this is my entry for this years contest for short film hope you like it and people sub to me !!!!
it has some skiers in it but its mostly snowboading hope thats ok


how is this judged is it by viewers or judges


Its judged by a pannel of industry profesionals. Welcome to Boardworld mate. Cool entry shaka dunno bout those two plankas tho wink


thanks man and yeah i know sos about that hope its ok


Video has been removed by the user?


yeah i seen the same thing TJ, wanted to peep the competition hahah


hey guys sorry about that i had to remove it had to change some shit here is my entry please sub and like


sweet vids by all so far shaka


Here’s a couple of little 60 second ‘teasers’ but together so far this year. Will cut together a proper edit later in the year

(the above are not entries in the contest - just sharing some fun times!)


nice edits, I like the last one a lot…“liked” it on youtube as well


An edit of the weeks festivities at Perisher. Best watched in 720p HD. I’m not sure if it’s just my computer but it seems very jerky via the embedded video but is smooth when played directly off youtube so consider that if you have issues!


Great vid mate, looks like you had a good time!!!

Good choice of song drc, same as I used in my world snowboard day entry!!! It is also my ringtone shaka

blizzard_22 - 26 July 2012 03:39 AM

Great vid mate, looks like you had a good time!!!

Good choice of song drc, same as I used in my world snowboard day entry!!! It is also my ringtone shaka

Thanks Blizzard!  shaka

Hah hadn’t noticed you’d already used the song in your vid. It’s one of my favourite albums and I would love to get to one of their concerts at some stage, but they have been too busy jetting around the world touring!