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Worst Skating Experience


I was reading the thread about people’s opinions on scooters and it seems like you guys have some stories to tell. Your experience doesn’t have to relate to scooters though.

I’m new to skating and have only been to the skatepark a few times so I don’t have much to tell. Worst experience so far was repeatedly nearly colliding with a kid running around the skatepark with her dad just watching. Scared the living daylights out of me. She even began rolling down the banks and her dad did absolutely nothing! I don’t even understand why you would let your kid run around an area filled with BMXs, scooters and skateboards let alone let them roll around there.


2 months ago i tried a kickflip and landed premo, fell back and fractured my wrist


oh and my friend tried ollieing over 3 skateboards landed, but the board flew out ,he fell back and fractured one of his ribs,,,OUCH


Ouch, those are some pretty brutal injuries. Has your wrist healed enough for you to skate again?


ahaha the coping at my local skate park is really dented and i was going for a smith grind and as i got towards the end of the grind i hit a big lump in the coping and kind of tryed to jump away ended jumping flat onto my side brused ribs and brused hip :( put me out for like a week

darza1171 - 15 July 2012 05:43 PM

ahaha the coping at my local skate park is really dented and i was going for a smith grind and as i got towards the end of the grind i hit a big lump in the coping and kind of tryed to jump away ended jumping flat onto my side brused ribs and brused hip :( put me out for like a week

Ouch! Hope you’re feeling better now/that you healed all right. What skatepark was that? Maybe you should put in a word with your local council about fixing it up or something.

Also, welcome to BW smile


I havent really had a bad experience with skateboarding jajajaja


I cut my hands open trying to kickflip off this little ledge. It hit a sharp rock or something smile I got up and landed it though :D


Learning to drop in on the old Bondi mini ramp which was 6ft. I went to step onto my deck to push down and the wind blew a gust right up from behind me, making me step over the top of my board and fall straight to the flat. Landed straight on my wrist and ribs, giving me some cracked ribs for a bit which sucked for breathing.

Most recent one that really made my skating life hell was about 3 years ago. Went for a 50-50 but the ledge was a bit sticky so when I went to pop off the ledge the board stayed behind and I landed on my foot sideways and all my weight came down on it. Blew out my ankle good and proper. It took a while for the ankle to heal up but the time to start doing 50-50’s again took a couple of years.