The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


one line story [= keeps going on and on .. ..


Redback spider soup, which has been known to cure sufferers of…...


irritable bowel syndrome as well as…


...Peyronie’s disease (look it up) as well as the addiction of buying up copious amounts of snowboarding gear, which is scientifically called .......


the end [= hehe… i will write wall the comments in what story we have come with…  wait for the new start [=


There once was a man who liked to make statues of animals and tried to sell them for cash so that he could save up for ninja classes to save his family from a gang of outlaw snowboarders who like to shred documents containing sexually explicit pictures of cane toads wearing floral ponchos that have the slight aroma of dead Spanish Mackerels with a hint of seasoning containing garlic and this man also enjoyed great TV programs such as Antiques Roadshow or reruns of the 2010 world cup. It was on a Friday in July that he decided to do something which surprised everyone around him, because he was sick and tired of his boring little life. so,

He packed up his bags headed south to Miami because he didn’t want to smell another horrible stench like the one that lingered last night after the riot in the bar in Cleveland when NBA star Lebron James announced he was leaving. So he decided to follow Lebron to Miami. He knew this would remind him of all the times that he got screwed over by the drunk guy who stands on the corner and perves on all the girls whilst handing out free chuppa chupps to all the people coming out of some of the strangest places, such as air conditioner vents and under ground caves which was built in the Palaeozoic era, that contained several strange species like the two-headed half pig, half tarantula faced herpes ridden dung beetle which was named by the most recognised Anatamotomical Biologistical Scientologists of the modern era, Dr Hoosen Van Loosen and his attractive assistant,

who seemed to have a strange attraction to Anatamotomical Biologistical Scientologists of the modern era, among other things such as the recreational activities that she participated in, mainly sitting around in circles with other people who had the strangest compulsion to do random things like Jump on the bed while eating fish and chips that were garnished with 2 month old sun dried earth worms that had a special home made sauce that consisted of garlic and a whole range of out-of-date biscuits made from Rottweiler puppies ear wax, which undoubtedly let to her addiction of smoking pubic hairs which she collected from Guatemalan Hairless Mole Rats (hairless except for the pubic region of course), which she would hunt endlessly on her voyage across the planet via A team of ninja hijacking koalas which she carried in the weirdest umbrella stand you ever saw! Just then.. a knock at the door which really surprised her because no one had been to her house since

that terrible day, back when the earth was over run with bodies and bodies of people who looked like Noreen Hay’s cousin, who had a really bad case of wetting her pants due to a horrible experience with a fire hose that she couldn’t turn off, so she had to call out for help from a one legged pigeon named Beatrice Whittingham the Third and her partner chancellor william sussex who only , just the other day was admiring the pheasants new spring plumage as well as how the corgis were were groomed to look like extremely large Toad Fish that had strange looking eyes that went multi colored when passed through a mixture of Ajax, Metho and sulphuric acid, but not before

a vuvuzela was blasted into the ear of David Hasselhoff which caused major problems for his singing career, as he could no longer hear to correct tone to sing in, and therefore got extremely intoxicated and rang his 11 year old daughter to say that he’s hungry and feels like eating her ears because his don’t work anymore! But she hang up on him because she was going to to a party with Paris Hiltons pet Chihuahua named Princess Mizu which she bought from KMART bigg toy sale at the price of three Lindsay Lohan Dolls that, when ya pull a cord in her back, says the most important lesson in life is take lots of drugs and learn how to drive ya car blind drunk without crashing, but most importantly take lots of drugs and learn how to drive ya car blind drunk without crashing, but most importantly


never go parting with Paris Hiltons Chihuahua, Princess Mizu and that other B!tch who does not eat much, ate a truck load full of fish eyes then felt the urge to indulge her self by rubbing them all over her face head and shouting you don’t know me until some one called the cops, which resulted in one of the cops reading Princess Mizu the riot act of 1953, where in the case of the crazy clown and Warren Chapstick, in which they conceived a love child that they named after George W Bush’s cat bubbles who liked to play Jai alai with the Guatemalan Pony Club President, due to the fact that he is currently visiting a slumdog millionaire down the coast of

El Porto San Hose Janita Marinata San Salvadorio Island, that is located in the Pacific side of south korea right next to the small fish and chip shop that closed down in the shire because of all the civil unrest in Mogadishu, and due to the fact that they were all about to sign up on so they can win a Power Balance Bracelet, and use it’s powers for evil against Princess Mizu and her clan of Pekinese Fighting Fish, but before they could even contemplate doing such an evil thing, they will simply deny that they had ever heard of as they don’t even own a mac computer as these machines are the Shizzle Bomb Sweetest Cream that ever came out the back end of a rare albino bread of. hunting horse that only one man ever tamed, they called him the SnatchCrewSader, but be wary of him cause legend has it he will insert a cucumber in his butthole and force the Prime minister of Australia to sing the alphabet backwards stand on one leg,both arms out and.

eyes closed, but even worse That cucumber in her mouth and once finished, slice it up and make cucumber sandwiches, crusts removed, scones with jam and cream owning it all with a tall glass of vodka, because vodka is her morning drink, that she substitutes for her daily banana milk shake becoz she hates going to AA meetings due to the fact that the seminar is a load of squiggly lines drawn on the leather seat of a lexus LFA going at the speed of Usain Bolt running down the street to pick up a packet of cigarettes only to discover the lady at the store was wearing a pink bunny suit which looked like

it had disappeared into a crevasse that was located on her beach front property, which legend has it that the crevasse was once haunted by a group of large snowboarding monkeys from the tribe of kumakort south of Thredboland, where they have endless amounts of wombats dancing beneath the nyteskye, naked and willing to do the dance of rick ross at the with a Snatch Crewsader looking over the whole event, one hand with a beer the other hand with a snowball coz hes snowcrazy but he’s a Winner with a cold palm and a old lonely bear looking for love in all the wrong places,but until one day he spotted misses coldtart’s daughter rubbing her chest right in front of him, and all his bear hormones were stolen by a psychedelic midget on a pony and rushed away to a land far far away called Tills lands where he was met by tjswish in a way he was so upset about what snatch was putting on his toast cause he only really enjoys Vegemite and cheese with a smidgen of.

green snot picked from the nose of a wild gopher that was kort in the sewer pipes, due to the fact that a curse was placed on kort by the CEO of American Express for sending them into bankruptcy because he failed to pay a $70 billion debt he accumulated on his AMEX centurian card by buying up every sewer pipe on the planet because he wanted own shit that nobody else would dare to film german shit videos in, as people are scared of them because sauerkraut, while being pleasantly tangy, can unleash powerful urges to watch germn shit videos whose demograph is primarily the elderly from the town of Roistenburgh, Ohio which is more commonly know for it’s Zimbabwean Shortbread, amongst other delicacies such as Redback spider soup, which has been known to cure sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome as well as Peyronie’s disease (look it up) as well as the addiction of buying up copious amounts of snowboarding gear, which is scientifically called Spendalotacashola Onyagearanstuff Whenevayagetachancetodoit Itis but more commonly referred to as the whatever disease.

the end .

boardworlds first short story… and my my… what an imaginative community we have here.. hahaha

happy reading c[=


page 10 has the short story of everyones lines

to start the ball rolling again [=

a snowboarder decided to .. ..


Go overseas to a country where…..


things were very different to her hometown of…

(Haha page 10 story is great. Nice work putting all of that together, nyteskye)  cool smile


CHAPSTICK town, because all the ladies ran out of dishwashing liquid and had to use an inferior brand called Tills which was so bad that it….......


made everyone get the worst rash on…


....on their head so it looked like they had dandruff, but really they were suffering from….


rider aged 26 that controlled .. ..


the local folk chanting mi zu ku ma… mi zu ku ma.. which translates to .. ..


“MIZU KUMA! MIZU KUMA!” - studies have shown that this is the sound gay squirrels make when mating in the tropical forests of….....