The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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ahhh niiiec hahaha graattzz
was gonna post one tomorow.. lolzz
We still have three to give away! Do you best yoga pose, nyteskye!
Got your email Hammo.
Thanks mate, will do my best to give a weekly update
haha cool pic, yeh bit big
Wow, that really is massive (editing it for you now haha).
Winner! Send me an email Mizu.
Still have two to give away…
does it have to be in a weird place? haha
At this point in time, no. Any public place will do.
Mizu took me ages to find you! I like it though good work
He had a close up picture also, but it disappeared after I edited his post (not sure what I did. Good pose though…).
I really wanna do this one, just for giggles. Don’t know when though. If it’s still running on Thursday I might get a chance.
Haha definitely a winner there!
We still have two to give away (Mizu was nice enough to donate his back to the contest).
woot =D hahhaa
I’m at work and wouithout a camera so you’ll have to use your imagination!
Picture me steezing up the yoga world on my Ride DH2, wearing my (yet to aquire) Boardworld t-shirt.
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Haha good effort Reyne!! I would pay that!!