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The Shire


i like watching jersey shore cause its funny as shit watching the dickheads.

This show is just f*cked.


they went to rif rafs party. I thought they would start a riot there seeing how he is wog . . . is this just a show to show the rest of sydney that shire people aren’t racist any more?


so glad I was at soccer5s! Not that it would have been on in our house anyway. Pile of doggy doo-doo!


The show, please tell me it’s a joke and those “characters” are not real, as in, not really like that in real life?!

I mean who says “my doctor said no more injections, my top lip will then be touching my nose?”  Oh and “I just love my lips, like my god, I would die if I didn’t have my lips”.

The girl who says “well yeah, I max the card out every month, I think it’s 15k”.

There is no way this show is real, it’s got to be a joke on us, right?


Listening to the radio this morning my suspicions were pretty much confirmed that it’s about as real as two of the “stars” (and I use that term very very loosely) breasts.  Apparently one of those girls is actually from Burwood, they had never met each other until filming,  one of the guys is from Chipping Norton and they were filmed having 6 takes of just entering a pub amongst other things, reality it is not. 

Radio callers from the shire sounded fairly pissed off about the show, as well they might be.  Someone please explain to that filthy horseheaded beast that she is fugly and the only pageant she should be doing is for the mentally retarded and eternally self delusional.  I don’t care how much plastic surgery she has, you can’t polish a terd and even if you could the questions remains, why?


Sounds like for as crap as the show is (which I don’t doubt, saw the commercial and thought it was a joke) its still getting watched and making ratings.  Even if people are just watching for the sheer stupid entertainment, the’ll keeping making it.  I’m with Deano, we watched the first season of Jersey Shore - and the people were so dumb we had to keep watching.

How many season did they make of that, anyway?  Keep this shire show away from me!!!


I happened to see about two minutes of the show as I was flicking channels.

What a steaming pile. I can’t see this one lasting too long.


Okay i grew up in the shire, it is nothing like that crapola you saw on television last night.i could go on but why waste time on such a pointless discussion. I do not know one person in real life from anywhere in Australia that acted like those retards last night and i bet 99% of you can say the same. case closed.


I think anyone who sat down and watched it deserves what they got for watching it in the first place.


i saw about 30 seconds of this show and it is the WORST acting I have ever seen! WORST! i cant emphasize thats enough. Worst!! and I have seen the hills.

this show actually makes the hills look good.


The Shire: Making Lara Bingle look like a rocket scientist


haha K2!

I certainly wont be watching next week. But you know I just had too last night - if for nothing more than to engage in this discussion!

deanobruce - 16 July 2012 12:42 PM

i like watching jersey shore cause its funny as shit watching the dickheads.

This show is just f*cked.

I watched Jersey Shore for one ep and couldn’t stand the stupidity!

nthnbeachesguy - 16 July 2012 09:19 PM

you can’t polish a terd and even if you could the questions remains, why?

I have actually seen a mythbusters episode where they tested this….and they got it to work! hahahaha.

Look out below, geek alert! but we all know geeks are cool.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 16 July 2012 10:24 PM

I think anyone who sat down and watched it deserves what they got for watching it in the first place.


I have some friends who played in a pub league soccer team….It went around that whoever didn’t score a goal throughout the season would have to drink a “d#$k beer”, which consists of a regular beer with everyone who did score that season’s willy having been dipped in it.
My response was the same…If you’re dumb enough to drink the d#$k beer, then you deserve to drink the d#$k beer.