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What aggravates you in lift lines?


I think what Jim Jefferies says here about the Bible should be the same for Alpine Code! Watch from 7:26 to the end.
*Warning - some people may find this offensive.

Alpine Code:
“Try not to be a cunt “

trentradpants - 16 July 2012 04:19 AM

my main lift line beef right now is the slowness of the readers at falls, plus inter pomas general gooch squishingness

Yeah the barcode readers at Hotham were also a PITA, but it depends on the person doing the scanning.

Other lift line things that annoy me:
- people hanging around in the unloading area
- pushy jerks trying to force their way up the queue
- people in the singles line trying to sync up their arrival at the merge point with someone in the main queue
- people spread out all over the place behind the queue blocking up access to trails behind it (eg. HV lift at Hotham with people blocking up cat track to Village)
- people who nudge your board from behind when you can’t move anyway


What frustrates me about lift lines? Lines! The lift part I can handle!



What frustrates me about lift lines is ..... not being in them enough!!!! .... or at all this season!!!!!  rage

TJswish - 16 July 2012 05:15 AM

Yea, there is only 1 poma over the NSW slopes at Smiggs so I don’t ride em. They are painful and stupid imo. T-Bars are much better and you can have 2 people on when there is a queue.

Pomas are sooooooooooooooooooo much more comfy than T-bars!

Best Poma drag lift I’ve used was in Jasna in Slovakia. They were all detachable and banked up, then gripped when you went through a start gate. The initial pull was so fast and powerful that it lifted you in the air for the first few metres.

TJswish - 16 July 2012 05:54 AM

Plus if you have any newbies with you, it will take 1/2 a day to get out there and back…

Really impressed with beeseekay, who made the Blue Cow to Guthega traverse all the way through on his first ever try - with no stopping or skating. Same with the way back.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 16 July 2012 01:38 AM

Smoking in the line.

That really pisses me off!!!!!

And oz, I’d like to say that I call things the way I see it honestly, and it is at least 90% skiers that do the touchy scratchy thing in the lift line!!!!!


I also notice that *some* kids really need to be taught to wait in line patiently without pushing - I’ve had heaps o little tackers recently jumping all over my board and getting in front of me! LOL

Maybe I’m just too slow… wink


Double post!

Billy - 16 July 2012 12:07 PM

. . . *some* kids . . .

Ski race club kids are easily the WORST in EVERY resort. Little shits.




After reading through the whole thread I agree with what everyone has said! My girlfriends brother told me a story how one of his mates (a skiier) ran over a boarders new board with his ski’s and didnt even care, just kept going!!  mad

the thing that aggrivated me the most on my last trip to hotham was my mate having his board facing forward while we were on the lift! If i was next to him I had to to twist and move into an uncomfortable position to make room! then he couldnt turn while getting off the lift so I just had to go straight with him if he was in the way teacherboy i thought that was pretty funny actually


I’m sorry but that avatar is exactly why I was against gifs on boardworld!

chucky - 16 July 2012 10:02 AM
TJswish - 16 July 2012 05:54 AM

Plus if you have any newbies with you, it will take 1/2 a day to get out there and back…

Really impressed with beeseekay, who made the Blue Cow to Guthega traverse all the way through on his first ever try - with no stopping or skating. Same with the way back.

Not sure how long ago it was when you did that but at the shred, he was hardly a newbie.


^ I’ve known people who’d been riding for ages, who couldn’t make that traverse the whole way without having to skate at some stage.