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Fyve Design Comp pre entry display

ozgirl - 15 July 2012 06:35 AM
Darkclouds097 - 12 July 2012 10:58 AM

Another one, a slice of summer in winter.

This is stunning - where did you get the images from?

Some awesome wannabe photographer took the photo he used on the topsheet wink


Does that affect copyright?

ozgirl - 16 July 2012 01:16 AM

Does that affect copyright?

Pretty sure that he got permission (from Blizz) to use it on his topsheet, therefore no copyright infringement.


Ah i get ya!



Exactly spot on TJ!

Oz that photo was taken in the Whitsundays, day after our wedding! That board design is something I wouldn’t mind getting done for decoration for our new house. It would look awesome on a feature wall LOL doubt Dark would let me do it though!

blizzard_22 - 16 July 2012 02:53 AM

doubt Dark would let me do it though!

do it!


get a Fyve custom for $475ish and whack it up on the wall! Other pieces of art cost way more than that!

cords - 16 July 2012 03:42 AM

get a Fyve custom for $475ish and whack it up on the wall! Other pieces of art cost way more than that!

Yeah we were looking at some beach artwork and it was about $950


Ill do you a high gloss high quality sticker print that you can just bang over the top sheet of some other board for $70. wont have the base art though.


that is a pretty good offer! You won’t be looking at the back, anyway!


Hell get the gloss sticker and a piece of plywood and cut it out in the shape of a snowboard. Will cost you $100. P.S. Drilling through a snowboard makes a mighty bad smell. Make sure to have plenty of ventilation and a mask.

(I have an old broken snowboard on the wall of my parents house in my old (now my brothers) bedroom.)

trentradpants - 16 July 2012 04:13 AM

Ill do you a high gloss high quality sticker print that you can just bang over the top sheet of some other board for $70. wont have the base art though.

Do it Blizz!!!

trentradpants - 16 July 2012 04:13 AM

Ill do you a high gloss high quality sticker print that you can just bang over the top sheet of some other board for $70. wont have the base art though.

I like it!!! I’m going to talk to Dark when I get home!!! Now I’m excited!!!

trentradpants - 16 July 2012 04:13 AM

Ill do you a high gloss high quality sticker print that you can just bang over the top sheet of some other board for $70. wont have the base art though.

Blizz sold me on this and I really like the idea of that!! Would you print it out slightly larger than the board to allow for not sticking it on straight? What size can you print it out to? ...I mean I have a big board! LOL


Hi this my second design and I cant choose between the two colorways ?? I think the orange n green would work best as a snow board but would appreciate your opinions, thanks!


The future is ours!!