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What aggravates you in lift lines?


im sure this ones not just me, but it really pisses me off when you have someone behind you who step after step plonks their ski’s or board on yours, the first time, ok it might have been an accident, second time ok…..., but after that you really shit me, especially when half the time their stuff is hire gear, and im not being biest in any way when saying this, but it does seem to be skiers more than boarders.  rage

now that ive had my little rant, what aggravates YOU in the lift lines??


Oh for f^$K sake!! Every one is going to say skiers do it.

I have it happen to me I think equally by skiers and boarders.

The best thing to do is contact your board (remember old school they used to do that?)


Yeh that shits me to tears. Why do they need to be so close and pushy. It isnt going to get y ou on the lift any faster. I alway try to give at least a foot of space infront of me. Im still getting on next after the person in front of me.

I hate it when people get into the line when they are not ready to get on the lift. So they push up, then they are standing up near the front and they are playing with their goggles or something and letting people pass them. If you werent ready for the lift, dont get in the bloody line.
Or similar, they push ahead, then wait up there letting everyone pass, becasue their friend is further back. Just a pain in the ass trying to get past a stationary people.

Smoking in the line.
People who think the whole world needs to hear their life story


people standing on/hitting my board. Sorry oz but 90% of the time i get it has been skiers, with rental gear and of a certain race…

I have went off many times at people. F*cking shits me to tears, took me like 3 hours to perfectly align all my stickers! i dont want you to ruin them!!!!!  michelle  LOL

ozgirl - 16 July 2012 01:31 AM

Oh for f^$K sake!! Every one is going to say skiers do it.

That’s because it’s TRUE! Furthermore, the majority of skiers who do it don’t give a crap about it!

ozgirl - 16 July 2012 01:31 AM

I have it happen to me I think equally by skiers and boarders.

Than you are an extremely isolated case. Skiers do it MUCH more than boarders do it! With their skis AND their poles.

ozgirl - 16 July 2012 01:31 AM

The best thing to do is contact your board (remember old school they used to do that?)

Same goes for walking through the carpark on the way out, right? Skiers shouldn’t complain when I scrape the sharp edges of my snowboard along the side of their cars? They should just ‘contact’ their cars???

NO!!! “The best thing to do” is NOT to “contact your board” (why the hell should WE have to accommodate THEIR selfishness and incompetence???) - the best thing to to is to make VERY sure than anyone who damages your board thinks twice before doing it again.


Smoking definitely. You don’t smoke while waiting in any other line, why blow it into my face now.

Obviously people riding over your gear but that’s inevitable with beginners.

People grouping with 4 people in a line for a 4 person lift and then getting on in groups of 2. They push up into the group and then wait creating a longer queue for others. I ruin their plan by jumping on with them lol.

chucky - 16 July 2012 01:45 AM

Same goes for walking through the carpark on the way out, right? Skiers shouldn’t complain when I scrape the sharp edges of my snowboard along the side of their cars? They should just ‘contact’ their cars???


TJswish - 16 July 2012 01:47 AM

. . . people riding over your gear but that’s inevitable with beginners.

No, it’s not inevitable, it’s avoidable - IF they’re taught from early on to respect other people’s property. The more people let others get away with it, the more people assume it’s acceptable behaviour. If you don’t speak up about it, you deserve to have your gear damaged.


Oh and thats another thing, skiers poles, yous have then to assist you whilst riding or for some other bloody reason like that, but to to draw snow faces and scratch my board while in the lift line.

Sorry oz but its deffinatelly more so skiers that do it, they just walk straight onto your board and then stand there with a stupid look on there face


Yeah I would have to agree on people hitting my board. As Dylan said once is enough, when I glare at them they surely should get the idea that no I didn’t like that and please dont do it again.

Second times gets a “WTF are you doing” from me haha

I dont understand how people treat lift lines any different to waiting in the supermarket line. We all want to get to the front as fast as possible, but you don’t stand right up someones clacker hitting their trolley or shopping basket!!!

Grrrr really grinds my gears!

The other thing I dislike? Showoffs coming into the back of the queue at high speed and then they can’t stop or control themselves and they take you out.


I agree with the general sentiment, most annoying thing is people banging into your board, and yeah it is mainly skiers.


The line itself


^ LOL nice one nthn

Another for me is the bloody ticket scanning people at Hotham! Learn how to use the scanner!!! I have never had any trouble at Falls Creek scanning my pass perfectly within 3 seconds. Hotham staff cant get it to work! There is a chip in the top and you just have to touch that area to get it to work. Dont try to scan the barcode at the bloody bottom. That is old tech and is there as a back up. Anyone who has ridden with me this year has noticed how mine just doesnt work with the barcode, and barcode in general is much harder/slower to scan


Last trip to perisher I had a skier dig his pole into my board. Thanks for the dent in my board ya douche . . .


The getting my board knocked about in lift lines does not bother me to much, you should see the crap I ride over and bang into. big surprise

I do however hate folks that are not organised in lift lines and waste my day.

I also hate snowboarders that have to sit on their ass to strap in and do so in the middle of the take off area. If you have to sit down, get the hell out of the way!!!!
If you just bend down, you can strap in as quick as a skier getting pole straps on and are away nice and quick without holding the works up.

While we are whinging….. I hate people who go slow down on cat tracks by doing turns back and forth, makes for some scary moments (mostly for said person) when I come bombing past LOL Just do some falling leaf action so I have a predicable object to come past.

Also dickheads that don’t look uphill before dropping….... WTF rage


Parents in line with their retarded children who insist on standing in the center 2 gates on a quad chair.. And kids classes/groups that can’t get their Shi&% together and let three or four empty chairs swing by before they manage to get on rage