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Centered stance on a snowboard


Hi all,

I’ve got a 2012 Burton Custom flying v (ics system) and I’ve got a question about centering my stance.  The board specs state that the reference stance is setback 0.4 inch (or about 10 mm) ... am I right in assuming this is in relation to the effective edge of the board? Because its more like an inch or more if you measure from the tip/tail which again I’m assuming is because the tip is slightly longer than the tail?

I understand that I don’t want to set my centered stance in relation to the tip/tail measurement so based on my assumptions I could basically move my front binding forward (from reference point) 20mm and I’d have a centered stance to start playing with?

Hope this makes sense, just trying to clarify it in my mind.

Thanks heaps again for putting up with my questions….  red face


That makes sense to me.

Personally, I just take a tool with me and play around until I find my happy place smile

Which normally ends up gangsta stance, 15 & 15 duck.


thanks Azz, yeah I think I talked myself into the solution ... I couldn’t work out at first why the measurements were so different from tip and tail.


No any one setting is the ideal for everyone, so I agree that experimentin is the key to find yours!!!!!

But ya might find that centerin the stance on a directional board won’t give the outcome of a true twin ride!!!!!

Directional boards will also differ in width from nose to tail along with flex, profile etc etc!!!!!


Thanks Mizu, I reckon I’ve been overthinking it actually. The board has same width tip and tail, and is a twin flex board too. I think the tip length is slightly longer than the tail but after all its only 10mm setback anyway and I’m not sure my riding is sufisticated enough to notice that difference anyway. I like riding switch and landing spins which was my motivation for thinking about it in the first place but I will be carrying a tool and like you say, playing around with the stance.

Thanks again guys.


good plan bracer, i think 10mm is nothing and it would be much better to ride the board as it was designed to be rode.  My last few park boards have been 10mm setback and I don’t notice any problems or differences riding switch.

Happy shredding!


I usually ride all my boards centred although I always rode by Burton Custom at the reference stance of 10mm back. I agree with what Aidy said above. Never had any problems riding stitch on it. Honestly didn’t feel any different to a twin/centred board for switch.

I could basically move my front binding forward (from reference point) 20mm and I’d have a centered stance to start playing with?

That is correct.


just go off the screw holes. thats how i do it.