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Who boards with music?

cords - 13 July 2012 06:12 AM

oh yeah and phone in my chest pocket…never broken one like that.

My shirts don’t even have chest pockets so that’s not an option. I usually just keep my phone in my backpack. This one time I fell on my phone when it was in my pants pockets and I got bruised so bad. It was like falling on a brick.


You board in nothing but a shirt?

Jackets have chest pockets.


im with K2
ride with it on low volume.

we take our phones so we can find each other at the end of the day or meet up for lunch
group of mates with varying levels of experience

deanobruce - 13 July 2012 06:18 AM

You board in nothing but a shirt?

Jackets have chest pockets.

Skateboard, not the snowboard haha. Most of my jackets don’t have chest pockets anyway.


ohhhhhhhhhhhh that makes sense then. We were talking about snowboarding.

deanobruce - 13 July 2012 06:35 AM

ohhhhhhhhhhhh that makes sense then. We were talking about snowboarding.

Yeah, I just realised when you mentioned. Always getting the two mixed up in threads :(


When you’re skating at a park or a spot, you generally don’t lose your mates.

When you’re on a ski hill with 10k+ people doing exactly the same thing and everyone is wearing a blue jacket and black pants, then you need a phone.

TJswish - 13 July 2012 06:37 AM

When you’re skating at a park or a spot, you generally don’t lose your mates.

When you’re on a ski hill with 10k+ people doing exactly the same thing and everyone is wearing a blue jacket and black pants, then you need a phone.

Ah good point. I’ve never snowboarded before so I never considered this. I’ll keep this in mind when I get the chance to though.


I don’t ride with music ... yet anyway. I like the sound of the snow under the board too much!! And the sound of my mates abuse too, hehe.

captain howdy - 13 July 2012 05:57 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 13 July 2012 05:49 AM

I always (at least 80% of the time) ride with tunes, regardless if im riding alone or in a group. But its never blasting, always can hear what is going on and people are saying too me. For the lift rides I genernally turn it down a bit too. I always have my ear buds in. Basically so I can answer a call or skip songs, or pause if I couldnt hear someone. And with the lovely new iPhones, I just tell it to read me the text msg I just got, and I dont even have to take my phone out of my pocket or gloves off. Works for choosing songs too

you take your phone riding with you? jeesus. before i leave for holidays (snowboarding generally means traveling from this part of the world) i turn my phone off and leave it on the bed.

Yeh iPhone has all my music on it. Also means I can find people. Post on instagram while on lifts and chat on BW while on lifts or having lunch. It Sits in my chest pocket, so never cops an impact that my arms dont dampen first.

I dont every skate with headphones in. Thought like to take my X-Mini and pump some tunes at the spot/park we are at


Those xminis are powerful lil f*ckers!

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 13 July 2012 07:05 AM

It Sits in my chest pocket, so never cops an impact that my arms dont dampen first.

Yeah cause its not you have ever broken a rib!!

ozgirl - 13 July 2012 07:36 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 13 July 2012 07:05 AM

It Sits in my chest pocket, so never cops an impact that my arms dont dampen first.

Yeah cause its not like you have ever broken a rib!!

I think you accidentally a word




i bought a helmet with speakers in it specifically so i could listen to music and have used its ability to do so once!! Im a pretty deaf bastard at the best of times, i dont need to have music in my ears making things worse BUT saying that, sometimes music can hype me to push myself more so i can see its merrits