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Who boards with music?


Since i’m a rookie i’m not sure if this has been covered or not, anyway. Thoughts?

i’ve been boarding for well over 10 years and only tried it this year. it’s kinda eery and cool, but i’m not sure i like cutting out one of my senses.


negative, i always ride with mates so we yell/laugh at each other all the time.


agree with deano.

i always find that peeps who are generally blasting their latest n greatest skrillex-a-thon mix generally have no idea whats going on around them and pay zero attention and cut you off.


I do if I’m ridin solo!!!!!


I’ll put it on quietly if riding solo. If with a mate or a few people, I won’t even bring the headphones.

My headphones are $10 microsoft ones so they aren’t pimpin quality anyway!


A friend puts the headphones around their neck and has them on soft. I can see the appeal - best of both worlds. But man it is a pain when riding the chair. find it really annoying!

I like the idea but not on a really packed run!


cruising solo on a really quiet part of the mountain through trees n shit listening to something laidback and cruisy is pretty cool


I always (at least 80% of the time) ride with tunes, regardless if im riding alone or in a group. But its never blasting, always can hear what is going on and people are saying too me. For the lift rides I genernally turn it down a bit too. I always have my ear buds in. Basically so I can answer a call or skip songs, or pause if I couldnt hear someone. And with the lovely new iPhones, I just tell it to read me the text msg I just got, and I dont even have to take my phone out of my pocket or gloves off. Works for choosing songs too

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 13 July 2012 05:49 AM

I always (at least 80% of the time) ride with tunes, regardless if im riding alone or in a group. But its never blasting, always can hear what is going on and people are saying too me. For the lift rides I genernally turn it down a bit too. I always have my ear buds in. Basically so I can answer a call or skip songs, or pause if I couldnt hear someone. And with the lovely new iPhones, I just tell it to read me the text msg I just got, and I dont even have to take my phone out of my pocket or gloves off. Works for choosing songs too

you take your phone riding with you? jeesus. before i leave for holidays (snowboarding generally means traveling from this part of the world) i turn my phone off and leave it on the bed.


I would say I do occasionally. I barely ever listen to music when I’m riding with someone else. When I’m riding solo, I listen to music about half of the time. I bought the Redphones for my RED Mutiny last season. It definitely helped me listen to music more. I keep my little iPod shuffle in my jacket and hook it up to my helmet whenever I feel like a beat. Sometimes nothing beats shredding to tunes.

Redphones. These slide straight into compatible RED helmets. It replaces the foam piece already in the ear flap, so it doesn’t add any bulk. It has volume control and a mute button. Pretty solid sound too!


Work phone, I lose or damage it, I just charge it to a project.

So yes I take my phone raspberry


i always ride with my phone in my chest pocket.

Never broken one in that pocket yet.
Pants pocket is another story…


I wear headphones around my neck about 60-70% of the time & not at all the rest. Having them around your neck allows you to listen and still be aware of what is going on around you. Tune in and tune out easily, still have conversations etc….having it right in my ears makes me too psyched up and its dangerous!

I smother them a bit when I’m on the lift, so as not to irritate other people with my weird taste.


I like riding with music but I get paranoid of running into something. I usually just concentrate on the sound of my board nowadays unless I’m just practising in my garage or something. With friends, I just muck around with them.


Yeah I keep the phone/camera in the chest pocket!!!!!


oh yeah and phone in my chest pocket…never broken one like that.