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new alphabet trick game.


I was lying in bed the other day and I just had this Idea of a game.
Kinda like the alphabet game (if you are familiar with it. im sure most of you are)
so it goes like this one person posts a trick or general snowboard related shenanigan starting with the letter A and then someone has to take a photo or video of them doing that trick or whatever it was. the person who posts the photo first gets to name the next thing starting with the letter B..

and the winner is the person who… well the winner is friendship.

does this make sense? or is this just my crazy rambling?

I’ll kick it off with A for Airtime


Damn it, I don’t snowboard :( Great idea though.

xnonymous - 12 July 2012 11:11 AM

Damn it, I don’t snowboard :( Great idea though.

I’m sure Snow / Skate / Surf are all cool.

I’ll continue it with Backside


maybe I didnt explain it well enough TJ. but you are supposed to post a photo of yourself doing something relating to the first letter before you can change to the next one raspberry


Ahh, I probably didn’t read it raspberry


nawwww too….much….effort…..involved LOL

not on snow often enough to do photos =p


OK, let’s play.

<img src =“” width =“800”>

Next up… Boardslide. You can post a photo/video of you skating or snowboarding.


Hey look I am sliding… on a board!


Next up… shit someone think of something starting with C

Maybe this will be quicker if the person posting next gets to choose the corresponding letter?


Not sure how legit but…


Next up, Crossbone / Crail?

Similar to Rider’s photo above but back hand grabbing infront or behind the front binding.


The next person should pick any trick starting with the next letter.


it would be easier if the person posting came up with the letter, but when i thought of this game i was thinking along the lines of skate/horse where you dont get to choose the trick you have to perform. It puts you out of ypur comfort zone and makes you try something new. Also you can get creative with the letters, they dont have to be legit tricks.. You could have C for Chug, and be chugging a beer or something. Make it fun.


Cliff Bar!



Good one!


How about ‘crash’? - then ozgirl can post her avatar. Hehe. smile

rider26 - 13 July 2012 01:52 AM

How about ‘crash’? - then ozgirl can post her avatar. Hehe. smile



i was going to post this one as “crashed out” after some heavy apres ski action…. but then i didn’t