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Still photos/videos

ozgirl - 05 July 2012 10:22 PM
spaz - 05 July 2012 10:16 PM

Note #3: If your really lucky I will be around when your there and can take the photo for you wink

And then you’ll have to wait a year to see the footage!

If your lucky a couple of months.

On a rampage michelle

love ya work ‘‘kimmey’‘


What resort are you going to Hardsnow? I’ve settled my dates and will be in Thredbo & Perisher from 23rd-1st.

spaz - 06 July 2012 09:16 PM

My preferred editing software is NONE. Any photo worth it’s merit is right out of the camera.

But isn’t Photoshop just the same as a darkroom Spaz wink

Hoe have we swapped sides of the “argument”

ozgirl - 07 July 2012 09:59 AM
spaz - 06 July 2012 09:16 PM

My preferred editing software is NONE. Any photo worth it’s merit is right out of the camera.

But isn’t Photoshop just the same as a darkroom Spaz wink

Hoe have we swapped sides of the “argument”


Depends who’s using photoshop. I rarely open that program anymore because Aperture offers all the features a “photo processor” would do in the printing process.

A well shot photo requires little be done in the print process (depending on the subject matter).
Depending on the roll of film being processed/printed(different light/colour balance between shots) and the print size(for cropping).

All photo processing is done to trick the viewers brain/eyes into seeing the captured moment for what the photographer (or photo processor) intends it be.
Different colours(light waves) transfer inaccurately for print (or whatever medium it be used on film,lcd,plamsa,projector,paper,cotton…) and can vary depending on background colour, contrasting shapes, objects and light. All these change how the brain perceives an image.
Correct processing can only be done through knowledge of how the image will be displayed.

This is why artists throughout time frame their images before sale - to set it apart from it’s surroundings.
Some images wont look as good in a certain room/setting.

The visual medium is a very psychologically challenging art-form to get right. Studying how the mind functions is an important aspect when processing photo’s.

I will process the same photo differently depending on it’s intended use, but that photo shot correctly may not appear right when viewed as a raw image by the human eye because of the brains processes.

I go through similar challenges when editing video.


Haha Spaz! Of course not but you know you are anyway!

Came in here to share a photo editing software called snapseed. Looks pretty cool. There is an iphone app but a desktop version as well and Android is coming soon.


Thanks heaps for all the tips. I’m looking at everything now :D

Also i have one more problem. Should i get a GO Pro2 or a Dragon APX. I already have good goggles but i don’t have a helmet cam…


Get a GoPro if ya already have some goggles!!!!!

As long as ya goggles are in good condition that is!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 10 July 2012 11:57 PM

Get a GoPro if ya already have some goggles!!!!!

As long as ya goggles are in good condition that is!!!!!

yeah they are brand new, i bought them last year but they don’t match my new outfit lol.

But i’ve heard so many good things about go pro and can’t afford both lol.


Do you guys recommend Motosports or outdoor edition?


I found the Motorsports was the one that suited me, and I also added the Surf Kit for when I go for a play in the water!!!!!

All depends on how ya see that you’ll use it!!!!! Everyone’s different!!!!!


definitely motorsports kit. Enough mounts to do all our surfboards as well as snowboard mounts etc.


get one of the new sony headcams*









so I can find out if they are any good wink


Still couldn’t consider by this thread.Get the new one when i upload due to holidays with my family..Check it out latter…


rodney mullen is my favorite:)


What is with the random spammy/none making sense posts lately??