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What is the first concert you ever went to?

CRACKERS - 12 July 2012 02:33 AM

AGE - 15ish?
BAND - Crowded House Farewell concert, with powderfinger,custard and you am I supporting. I think it was the year that the three supports all got in the hottest 100
LOCATION - Sydney Opera House forecourt…with 200,000 plus people
DATE - um 1996 I think

Worth looking at this just to see the crowd….it was the whole way round the opera house and the way to the circular quay. We turned up fairly late, jumped the fence next to the water line and crawled along the little 20cm edge over the water all the way from circular Quay and then jumped the fence into the front of stage area…things you can get away with when you are little haha

That would have been awesome crackers!


AGE - 18
BAND - Blink 182
LOCATION - AIS Arena, Canberra
DATE - A Saturday in August 2004


Crackers - I was at that one too. Best Concert ever! Obviously us skiers stick together!

Gamblor - HAHA


AGE - Buggered if I can remember
BAND - Midnight Oil and SPY V SPY
LOCATION - Brandon Park, The Gong (Now the Uni Innovation Camp)
DATE - See “AGE”


Crackers - just saw your update!

I sat on those bloody oprah house steps all day long for that concert!!

Numb bum much!!

And you, you sneaky bugger!!! rage

ozgirl - 12 July 2012 02:56 AM

Crackers - just saw your update!

I sat on those bloody oprah house steps all day long for that concert!!

Numb bum much!!

And you, you sneaky bugger!!! rage

you gotta do what you gotta do wink

such a fun gig!


Wickety Wak ..... Hahahahaha LOL


Band:Red hot Chilli Peppers One Hot Minute Tour
Location Sydney Entertainment Center
Year: 1996
It was the best thing Mum and Dad ever let me do me and my mate unsupervised i remember getting a warm flushed feeling over me, a couple of years later i thought back and was like i was so stoned from all the passive smoke hahahaha


Haha it’s funny how Blink 182 have already been mentioned a couple of times but I’m pretty sure they were my first real concert as well.

I’d guess is was in the early 2000’s? so after googling I’ll take a punt at the date and base it off that.

Age: 18
Band: Blink 182
Location: Sydney Entertainment Center
Date: Wednesday 04 April 2001

Blink 182 “Dude Ranch” was one of the first CD’s I can remember buying with my own money. I didn’t know about the concert until a mate offered me his ticket as he couldn’t make it. On side note I was getting a lift to the snow this week with some younger guys and they were playing Blink 182 “damnit” in the car. It brought back good memories, they probably considered it an old classic smile


The War Memorial (Rochester NY)

snowdragon - 12 July 2012 06:14 AM

The War Memorial (Rochester NY)


drc13 - 12 July 2012 05:13 AM

Haha it’s funny how Blink 182 have already been mentioned a couple of times but I’m pretty sure they were my first real concert as well.

I’d guess is was in the early 2000’s? so after googling I’ll take a punt at the date and base it off that.

Age: 18
Band: Blink 182
Location: Sydney Entertainment Center
Date: Wednesday 04 April 2001

Blink 182 “Dude Ranch” was one of the first CD’s I can remember buying with my own money. I didn’t know about the concert until a mate offered me his ticket as he couldn’t make it. On side note I was getting a lift to the snow this week with some younger guys and they were playing Blink 182 “damnit” in the car. It brought back good memories, they probably considered it an old classic smile

Enema of the state was the 3rd album I bought with my own money smile


AGE - 17
BAND - Metallica - Re-Load Tour
LOCATION - Sydney Entertainment Centre
DATE - April 1997. Can’t remember which night.

One of the coolest nights I remember as a kid. I’ll try make the story short.

We didn’t have tickets, but a few mates of ours did, so we decided to travel into the city with them and just hang out somewhere and drink while the concert was on, and then come back home with them.

So we bought ourselves a slab of beer and had a few drinks before the gig. By the time the concert was starting we’d gone through half the slab. I think there were 4 of us outside just hanging around with the beers. While we were hanging around outside we got talking with a security guard. He seemed pretty cool, so we asked him if he’d let us go inside, which he refused. We kept at him for ages. He was keen to hang out and chat, but he wasn’t letting us in.

Anyway, after a while our beers were getting warm, so we found a guy selling drinks just outside the doors. we had a bit of a chat with him, and he let us keep our beers in his fridge/freezer to cool them down.

While my mate was talking to the drinks guy, me and another mate decided to go try one more time with security guard. We were talking to him again, and again he wouldn’t let us in. But then some girl was walking out of the venue, and he had to go to another door to let her out. When he did that, he left the door that we were standing at open.

My mate and I didn’t waste any time. As soon as he turned his back we BOLTED through the door, and around the outer area of the arena until we were sure he wasn’t coming after us. Then we saw a whole bunch of people lining up to get into the actual arena. We walked up and there was a lady checking tickets as you walk through, but we kind of slid through the side and made it in. We were PUMPED!

We were standing against a hand rail, cause we didn’t know where to go (obviously we didn’t have seats) and this security lady comes up to us. We thought we were about to get kicked out, but instead she just told us to go to our seats. We walked up an isle and found some empty seats and parked ourselves there for the rest of the gig. It was unreal.

Sorry. Long story.

After the gig we went outside to the drinks guy where we’d left our mate. He was still waiting there, and we had about 10 beers left. As all the people were pouring out of the arena they were coming over to the drinks guy and asking how much for a beer. So I started yelling out “Cold beers $5!!” They got snapped up in about 2 minutes and we’d made ourselves $50. Enough for a bottle of bourbon!!

We hung around for a while went and bought a bottle and a few more beers, started to drink that, and as we were walking back around the entertainment centre we saw some people hanging our around the back. We went to see what was going on, and just as we got there, James Hetfield comes out from a back door, everyone goes apeshit, and he comes over to us all and starts saying g’day and signing stuff. He came over to me and shook my hand. I thanked him for the gig (failed to mention that I snuck in) and because I didn’t have anything for him to sign I asked him to sign my forhead. He signed it and told me I was “f*cking awesome”. My mate got a photo of me with him and my signed forehead. I never saw the photo unfortunately.

Anyway, apart from a bit more drinking, that was about it. Awesome night.


tl:dr - Snuck in to the gig, made profit on beers, met James Hetfield. Awesome night.


Tills that is a pretty cool (albeit long!) Story!


I just went straight to the footnote!!!!! LOL

Kinda like Tills did at the gig!!!!!

Nice story though mate!!!!! shaka