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Any Irish skaters???


hey guys , im james from kildare in Ireland,
there is literally only one place to skate and thats just a carpark,
the closest skatepark is 2 hours away, but pretty sweet.
skateboarding isnt as popular in ireland , especially where im from,
post if you’re from ireland


I think your our first irishman mate! I recommend you get your building skills together and make a few boxes and rails you can take to the carpark. Heaps fun skating something you made


thanks man, i really shud, there’s nothing more than a few gaps and curbs,, how high would a normal box/manual pad be?  or what height would you recommend


Build it to suit your skating ability. How high can you ollie? Probably don’t want to build it any higher than you can ollie.


My crossfit trainer is Irish, he just got back from Ireland actually.

Welcome anyway!


Yeh depends on your ollie height and the typs of grind/slides you can/want to do. Maybe a tad lower if you want it to be a manny pad too. Maybe 1-2ft high


My ancestors were Irish!!!!!

Welcome a board, James!!!!! shaka


thanks guys smile


Build it and they will cum…....... Errrrr sorry come


I really thought you were going to be a guy james kates that I know. nope!


probably shouldve wrote james_skates hah

jamesskates - 11 July 2012 02:06 PM

probably shouldve wrote james_skates hah

I want to surf in Ireland.nuts waves!


Bahahhaaaa, that avatar!!!!!


there’s a surf shop in the south of irelland,, im going down there tomoro, hopefuuly the weather’s nice…....and awesome avatar haha


probably week or 2 smile