The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.



what is you best lie???????


Umm i think size 7 girls… i think…
V-whats your favorite drink?-V


whatever I pull of the draw first grin

with dunny paper, are you a folder or a scruncher?


Scruncher ! Seriously who has the time and patience to fold ?

What was your best ” foot in mouth ” moment ?


I’m not sure if this would classify as “foot in mouth”, but I think it’s close, and it makes me laugh, so I’ll tell it anyway.  tongue wink

A bloke at work who is in his 50’s became a grandfather a few months ago. We were paying him out about now being a grandfather, and I told him that now that he was a grandfather, that obviously makes his wife a grandmother, which meant that now makes HIM a “granny banger”.

So we had a laugh about it, and the next time he left his desk, I stole a business card from the front of his holder and I whited out his job title under his name and replaced it with “Granny Banger”, and placed it back at the front of his card holder.

About a day later, this old lady came to our trade counter and he got up to serve her. She was one of those oldies that asks about a thousand questions about nothing, and generally just wastes your time. In the end he gave her a bit of info about whatever she was enquiring about, and she asked him for a business card. So he comes walking in, and grabs the card at the front, walks back out and hands it to this old lady.

Because it was a day later, I didn’t even think about the card and the “Granny Banger” title until she was walking out the door. I’m freaking out, and I grab one of his other cards and run out there to stop her. I was just going to tell her he gave her the wrong card and hope she didn’t look at it, but she was gone.

I told my mate what’s happened and now he’s freaking out too. Once I saw him freaking out I start thinking it’s pretty damn funny. I told him she might might be an old widow, and come back in with a bunch of flowers for him or something. Who knows?

Sure enough, about half an hour later, this lady comes walking back in the the trade area, and I see her standing there, and I can tell she’s pi**ed. I look into the office and this guy has seen her and he has his head in his hands.

So I decided I’d take the fall and see what she wanted. She’s asking to see this other guy, and I tell her he’s out of the office, (she can’t see him where he sits). I was about to explain what has happened with the business card etc, but she just starts telling me how she’s worked out what she wanted, and asked if I could help her. So I get her what she wants, and she pays, and leaves, and she leaves the card on the counter.

When I pick it up I notice the “granny banger” has been scribbled out. The other blokes swears blind he never saw it, hence never scrubbed it out. And nobody else would have seen it. I can only assume this old lady has seen it and scribbled it out. Who knows?

Anyway, it’s not quite “foot in mouth” but close enough. And I figured it was a good one to share….  LOL

OH! Another question….

What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten?


red family guy undies (which are falling apart)

what else are you doing right now?? (watching tv, listening to music,)


Watching iron chef!!! Love the dubbing!!

V what are you doing for the rest of the weekend?


1 for a regular or 2 for a large

who was the best Bond? Connery, Lazenby, Moore, Dalton, Brosnon, Craig?


Brosnan *drool*

v do you have any pets?


1 inch…...from the ground - just like my appendage wink

do you have herpes?


diphallasparatus grin

well done, medium well, medium, medium rare, rare, blue?



Who’s your ultimate celebrity crush?


Shave a devon in to the back of there head and piss into there eye’s after eating a full can of asparagus the night before…....

After you past away what would you come back as??????


My dog

Whats your porno name?


Rocky Kippax.

What’s your biggest vice?