The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Post Your Skate Footage/Edits


Thought I’d start a thread here in the Skate section where us memebers can post any skate footage or edits. THere is a members vids thread in Photog/Video forum, but wanted one for us to share in here in between video contests.

I recently just started to film us stuffing round while skating on my iPhone and editing on my phone too. No great skating, just us having fun.

Post away peeps

Croydon Night Sesh

Slack Ass Sunday Session @ Skatepark Of Melbourne


Bumping this thread and hopefully more people will start to post.

Im stoked on this line we filmed on the weekend. It was on a rough as guts driveway on a hill oposite my mates house. We pulled his box out and put it on so you land into the steepest bottom bit of the driveway. With all the cracks n grass and speed, it took us a while to finally nail the whole line (kickflip through to 360 flip on the road)


Nice vids, I haven’t skated for ages, so hard to get out there with the wet weather and non-daylight savings time +work. downer I guess snowboarding almost every weekend makes up for it lol. ollie


Yeh weather sucks for it. We have been doing night sessions at Croydon but then it got way to cold, and rainy. SPOM is ok, but gets too busy especially when raining and i hate paying $10 for entry

here are some others that I filmed a while ago but hadnt posted. Last one is more recent.


it is not that good but then again i tweaked my ankle the day before and only edited it for 5 minutes. not the best camera man either. i usallt do not listen to rap/hip hop but i thought i would mix it up a little bit. hope you like it.


LOL love that ghetto downrail setup off the back of the truck haha! keen as to skate.


haha nice DIY skate sports. So ghetto. Good work mate. Keep gettin out there and skating. Thanks for posting