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gopro hero2 users


The lens pen is a great idea, Mud!!!!!

I have never even thought about it!!!!!  teacherboy

I do use Rain-X though, and have never really had an issue with stuff on the lens housing!!!!!

Can’t wait to see ya footage!!!!! How are ya new setups goin?????


i got the motor sports kit with the first gopro and when i upgraded to the gopro 2 I just got the regular kit. The reason why is that I only use the gopro for snowboarding (I don’t do anything exciting the rest of the year), and I just use the headstrap mount. I also have the seat pole mount for attaching it to a ski pole. Yes, the videos do get boring if it’s all from the same angle so it’s good to mix it up. However, just holding a pole in front of you and then behind you doesn’t bring anything new to the table. So I recommend the regular kit and the seatpole mount or whatever you want to stick it on a pole.
I hate riding with it on the pole though, since it messes with my riding.

Gamblor - 07 July 2012 12:52 PM

Yes, the videos do get boring if it’s all from the same angle so it’s good to mix it up. However, just holding a pole in front of you and then behind you doesn’t bring anything new to the table. So I recommend the regular kit and the seatpole mount or whatever you want to stick it on a pole.

I wasn’t really referring to just filming yourself with the pole, but also having a pole mount enabling you to easily film your mates and switch things up that way. My husband figured out a way to get a really cool low angle when filming follow-cam with park laps and just that little change up adds in a sweet bit of extra variety that I think is valuable.


Using a pole also makes it more stable, if your pole is counter weighted the footage can even resemble a steady cam.

Mizu Kuma - 07 July 2012 09:04 AM
spaz - 07 July 2012 08:38 AM

GP2 may be popular but it’s not the best for what you pay or for what you intend it to be used for.

Why’s that?????

Been there, argued that and learned lovers of any brand will turn criticism into a fanboy shitfight, then label those with a differing opinion as haters.
I’m just saying GoPro is overpriced and overhyped(marketing) - most people don’t realize there are alternatives with better features.

cords - 07 July 2012 01:57 PM
Gamblor - 07 July 2012 12:52 PM

Yes, the videos do get boring if it’s all from the same angle so it’s good to mix it up. However, just holding a pole in front of you and then behind you doesn’t bring anything new to the table. So I recommend the regular kit and the seatpole mount or whatever you want to stick it on a pole.

I wasn’t really referring to just filming yourself with the pole, but also having a pole mount enabling you to easily film your mates and switch things up that way. My husband figured out a way to get a really cool low angle when filming follow-cam with park laps and just that little change up adds in a sweet bit of extra variety that I think is valuable.

yeah, you’re totally right. it’s not very good filming others with it on your head. 90% of my footage is of myself so I didn’t consider it


I got the outdoor edition cause you get helmet straps etc. I made a gopro pole with a ski pole and used one of the mounts that the pack came with on the end.


I don’t have the anti fog inserts. I only had problems with fogging once, when I was taking the gopro in and out of my pocket throughout the day. I haven’t had any fogging issues with the gopro when it’s on my helmet or a pole.


How many times you used it in the snow? I mean recording, changing cards, dumping footage.

Opening the housing indoors allows warm air to get in. When it cools (outside) it causes condensation. Happens to DSLR lenses constantly. In time I suspect you will suffer fogging constantly.


Ya might find that places like Canada and Japan wont give fogging problems due to the low humidity!!!!!

In Australia, ya unfortunately do get days that have enough moisture, and high enough temperatures (Dew Point) in the air to cause problems!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 07 July 2012 12:06 PM

The lens pen is a great idea, Mud!!!!!

I have never even thought about it!!!!!  teacherboy

I do use Rain-X though, and have never really had an issue with stuff on the lens housing!!!!!

Can’t wait to see ya footage!!!!! How are ya new setups goin?????

Yeah it’s going pretty well.  Sometimes when head-mounted I have it pointing too high or low, but mostly ok.  I tried my pole out for the first time today and it worked better than I expected.  It was too heavy at full extension as Cords said it would be.  I pulled it in a bit and have found a reasonable balance between comfort and video quality.  It is definitely more interesting footage with a person front and centre rather than just point-of-view, much like a still photo.  I’ll upload some video if I get a chance, or maybe tomorrow.  I reckon the video quality of these little cams is absolutely astounding.


Did ya try holdin the pole a third of the way up the handle????? I have found that this helps greatly with the weight issues!!!!!

And yeah, I have mucked around with a couple of my mates new 2’s and the image quality is awesome!!!!! Make sure that ya play around with a few stills as well!!!!! The fisheye lens makes some great shots!!!!!

Look forward to seein ya work!!!!!  shaka

Mizu Kuma - 08 July 2012 09:37 AM

Ya might find that places like Canada and Japan wont give fogging problems due to the low humidity!!!!!

In Australia, ya unfortunately do get days that have enough moisture, and high enough temperatures (Dew Point) in the air to cause problems!!!!!

Good point. I can see it fogging easily on Oz.

Where do you buy your inserts from?


Dan, we got our inserts from and they came in good time. I’d recommend them for sure.

Mizu, I could be wrong, but if you hold the pole 1/3 of the length up the pole, don’t you then lose 1/3 of the length of the pole? Why not just have the pole 1/3 shorter and then be able to hold it on the handle? We use a kid’s ski pole, and I just hold it on the handle but with a few fingers, not a whole hand grip - no issues (except my own concentration! - I’m not so good at riding at the same time as thinking about where the camera is pointing)

Mizu Kuma - 08 July 2012 10:30 AM

Did ya try holdin the pole a third of the way up the handle????? I have found that this helps greatly with the weight issues!!!!!

And yeah, I have mucked around with a couple of my mates new 2’s and the image quality is awesome!!!!! Make sure that ya play around with a few stills as well!!!!! The fisheye lens makes some great shots!!!!!

Look forward to seein ya work!!!!!  shaka

Yeah, I was not holding the pole by the handle - too heavy.  I’ve taken a few stills but haven’t worked out the best use for that yet.  My work is pretty unexciting so far.  Maybe if I catch up with Azz or Billy during the week things will improve (met Azz at the General tonight).


Yeah, ya right about the 1/3 to an extent, cords!!!!!

What ya find is that the third that ya not usin acts kinda like a counterweight balance, and takes away some of the effort needed to hold the camera out from the body at a distance that’s similar to that 1/3!!!!! Therefore ends up with a shot that shows most of the rider!!!!! (Mine is 140cm long fully extended, so that will give a full 140cm distance “from the hip” so to speak!!!!!

I’m not really great at explainin the physics of it but it does seem to work!!!!! (* My pole is made from steel though, and wether or not that plays a part in it, I can’t say)