The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Pretty much the same as the red thread, but this one is going to be all about fat things…......
(just for a bit of humour and to make your self feel better)........
Got enough room there, Dolph?????
hahahhaha..leave me out of this.
Look at this beef cake!!!!!!!!!
Haahaahaaa, you dickhead!!!!
I’m guessing theres some inside jokes going on in this thread???
A little bracer haha
I’ll have to bide my time then obviously!!
I’ve been here a long time Bracer and I’m not privy to it either, don’t feel too left out mate.
hehehe ... I’m going to have a crack and say thats K2 in the first ones??? (the other Brad)
It’s fatima4u in the first ones!!!!!
AKA Chubbs, The Big Fella, Mika, and Osman Bishkak the Turkish Bathhouse Boy!!!!!
His favourite holiday destination is Manly!!!!!
And it’s Mizu in the 2nd ones!!!
AKA Dev, Devon, Melon Head, Baldy, Old Fart
His favourite holiday destination is Albion Park Jail
hahaha, now its becoming a dob-in-a-thon! hehe
And it’s Mizu in the 2nd ones!!!
AKA Dev, Devon, Melon Head, Baldy, Old Fart
His favourite holiday destination is Albion Park Jail
Shut up, Nerd Boy!!!!!
Need to belong to club ullr to comprehend.
Bahahaha that’s gold!!!