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gopro hero2 users


what mounts do you use for when you use it for snowboarding? and what accessories do you have for it? as im interested in getting one of these

thanks [=


I haven’t got the 2, but I recommend gettin the motor sports kit version!!!!! Enough mounts to keep ya goin!!!!!

If ya wanna make a pole ya can go a few diffent ways, either with a surf kit and a few bits and peices, the handlebar mount and a ski pole or cleanin pole, or ya can buy a ready made version (GoPole, or numerous other makes)

Will post a couple of images whe I get home!!!!!

* And the GoPro 2 is an awesome little camera!!!!!


Yep I’m with Mizu - the motorsports kits has more than enough mounts to keep you going for ages and allow you to be creative with, make your own pole mounts etc!


yea i was looking at the outdoor one.. but good points about the motorsport pack about the mounts on poles n such [=

and what size memory card you guys using? 8gb or 16gb ?


I have 2 x 16GB cards as I don’t have a laptop or portable HD to dump the files on when I’m away!!!!!

You’ll get away with an 8GB card easily though!!!!! My advice is not to fill it up with heaps of borin footage!!!!! Not only does it make better veiwin, but also easier editin!!!!!

And get a reputable brand, and I think a Class 10 for it will be advisable!!!!!


we use a 16gig and we get rid of the footage from it every day, if we can….mostly because the more you let it build up, the less you will end up doing with it. Dump it every day and go through it straight away and delete all the useless clips and clips that you know you’re never gonna do anything with.


thanks for the advice guys

ill prolly go for the 16gb to be safe.. theyre cheaper nowadays

hopefully i get my gopro before i go nz at the end of the month


Oh, get some anti fog inserts!!!!! They are a must imho!!!!!

Nearly forgot!!!!! teacherboy


I got a 32 gig lol. Never fill that thing up smile

Never had any issue with fog unless it’s helmet mounted, on the pole it’s fine.


Anti fog strip is a must! Seen and had so much footage lost due to fogging with GP.
Also get some RainX and spray it on the housing lens. GoPro love to collect snow. Every system of this type need to be checked for snow on the lens, GP is the worst.

What card do you use Tj?
Every 32BG card I’ve used fails (haven’t used the current brand 32Gig I sell).

BTW I sell headcams and provide a good BWM discount on all items (all the best brands but not GoPro).
I also build and sell PoleCams and was the first in this hemisphere renting HeadCams.

Make sure you’ve done all the research Nyteskye, GP2 may be popular but it’s not the best for what you pay or for what you intend it to be used for.


spaz - 07 July 2012 08:38 AM

GP2 may be popular but it’s not the best for what you pay or for what you intend it to be used for.

Why’s that?????


ohh thanks for the tips for the anti fog stuff.. didnt even think about that ! [=

hey azz.. what products you sell? can you PM me what you got and prices please? coz i can prolly get the gopro2 motorsport pack for $330
and how much for that pole? not sure if im coordinated enuff to hold and film haha

mainly be using it to film friends boarding and stacking moments.. were not into the tricks and park as yet..  i do like the feature of the burst photo of 10 pics per second.. and reading reviews about how good the quality of video it takes..

also is there a camera that shoots video and takes photos at intervals aswell whilst shooting video, im not sure what that feature would be called in simpler terms



You can get great stick mounts off ebay for cheap. They are awesome for pow.


I am just using mine for the first time at the snow.  I am using a 32GB Sandisk Ultra Class 10 card (no issues with this).  I take a spare battery as I find it chews through them pretty fast.  I also use the anti-fog strips and they work well.  I lost most of a day’s footage on a day when I forgot to put them in.  I have a laptop at my accommodation and I just copy everything on a portable HDD then erase the SD card.

I also used a tripod adapter in conjunction with one of those little gorilla grip claws to hang the cam off my rear vision mirror looking out windscreen and got a really good clip of my trip up the mountain.

I keep a lens pen in my bag to clean up anything that gets on it after a day’s riding.


Its much harder to film well without some kind of pole mount. If you just stand still and film, you have to be really close for it to be worth it. If you just have a helmet cam, the footage gets boring pretty quickly. Poles mounts are sweet for filming in all different ways and keeping it interesting.

and I second/third the idea of the anti-fog strips. can get them from


by the way, I am seeing HEAPS of these cams at Hotham this year.