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Still photos/videos


pretty sure cords just had a quite spew when you posted that we were married.


and you probably just had a loud spew! projectile and everything!


Your’e both makin me sick now!!!!!


there is something going around…


Lol I’m making everyone sick. It’s just my way lol.


Photo’s from video can work although for good printed results they need some editing, an experienced photographer + luck. Much can depend on the program/s used.
These stills from video’s this year and I just whipped them up as examples.

Mostly I’ve found what looks awesome on video can be very average as a still. From experience the best frame is often not framed well (Oz shot some video at the shred last year of me attempting a flying squirrel - head cut off) I’ve seen it happen all the time when I’ve been asked to lift stills from video.
Edited for scale. From FinalCutProX.
<img src =“” width =“800”>

Video shot up close will get best results, getting more detail and colour (but makes it even harder to frame).
Edited for scale. From FCPX.
<img src =“” width =“800”>
Quick edit in Aperture. Can be improved with Photoshop.
<img src =“” width =“800”>

No editing. FCPX.
<img src =“” width =“800”>

No editing. Mpegstreamclip.
<img src =“” width =“800”>

<img src =“” width =“800”>

As can be seen in the first shot direct sunlight on the subject makes all the difference.

P&S camera’s require so much luck and they process image in camera before saving - most rules applied for getting an ok still from video need to be used to get a great shot off P&S.

Take the DSLR. but…
What brand and model is it? (some are very tough, better sealed).
Pastic shopping bags make excellent rain housings.
Cling wrap will protect it from snow.

Note#1: I still use the same DSLR I’ve been using for 8 snow seasons - it’s been more than abused with little care given and still takes great photo’s.
Note #2: POV1.5 (video) uses a universal shutter (same as RED) but at 480 resolution.


Note #3: If your really lucky I will be around when your there and can take the photo for you wink

spaz - 05 July 2012 10:12 PM

(Oz shot some video at the shred last year of me attempting a flying squirrel - head cut off) I

I have been waiting for that!

Ya never let me live it down do ya!

Have you ever missed a shot Spaz? grin

spaz - 05 July 2012 10:16 PM

Note #3: If your really lucky I will be around when your there and can take the photo for you wink

And then you’ll have to wait a year to see the footage!

If your lucky a couple of months.


Ahahaha lol, oz when you get a free photographer you are going to have to be patient lol.

Thanks heaps for all the awesome tips Spaz. can’t wait to put them to use.

Yeah hope your around. Would love some photos of my wife and i.

Well it’s not really my DSLR and i don’t think my mum wants me to take it to the snow lol. I’ll be getting one eventually. I know it makes all the differents when it comes to shots. Like i said just worried about dropping it.


Also whats your preferred photo editing software. I personally use photo and have for many a years. but is there one more automated than photoshop lol.


i use photoshop,


If you want something very basic Google’s Picasa is a great tool.

Or PSE (Elements)  is a more simplified version of Photoshop.

To simplify Photoshop a lot of Mommy Bloggers make heaps of actions, mainly in PSE.

Filter through the ‘noise’ on both these sites for some great ‘actions’

Also here is a link to a post on one - she has heaps more but this shows what the can do on objects or landscape photos rather than portraits.


Thanks for the Tips :D, i’ll give it a shot with some freebord photos


Instagram is the bomb for filters and sharing.

My preferred editing software is NONE. Any photo worth it’s merit is right out of the camera.
Aperture manages my library and any processing - I shoot in RAW.
Some jobs I use photoshop elements.

Video - Final Cut Studio 7, Mpegstreamclip.