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Still photos/videos


Hey guys.

Quick question. i’m really hoping to start doing back flips (been practicing with Snowboard Addiction vids lol). Anyway i’m more worried about taking an awesome photo than i am stacking it lol.

My questions is should i be recording it on video and possibly taking a photo off the video later or should i use the camera to take shutter shots. I have a panasonic dmc ft3. awesome camera that can survie anything lol.

Thanks in advance smile


that all depends on what you want to show people afterwards… if you want a photo, possibly something you could print or see is high resolution, then take a photo.
taking a frame from a video on most camera’s (ie anything but RED camera’s) won’t be much good for a high quality shot! or alternatively, throw the trick a few times and do it all smile


Thanks smile, i really want to blow it up and put it on a canvas but it’s going to be hard cause my wife is a noob lol.

Might just get her to take video more likely to get a good shot out of her lol.

Also doing the trick might prove difficult if i axe myself repeatedly lmao.


I reckon that if ya gonna put it onto canvas, the clarity from the screen shot probably wont worry ya that much?????

I could be wrong!!!!!


she’s definitely gonna screw it up if you don’t give her the confidence that she can do it! Jus’ sayin’!


Whilst i agree with Cords to some degree. There is nothing more frustrating as someone who considers themselves an ace photographer that never gets pics of themselves!

Can I suggest your Missus practice on you doing something easy over a jump. Don’t risk hurting yourself for her to get used to the camera lag time etc.

Any pro will need a bit of a warm up on a different camera.

And a new location.

Take the time to set up the shot!

I am saying all this because I agree with everyone who says use the camera!!


Lol cords i would never tell her that she is bad, i completely believe in her just the camera is what i’m worried about. I know that taking my SLR is the best thing to do but i don’t want to get the dam thing wet lol. It is VERY frustrating never getting photo’s of yourself. I’ve taken heaps of shots of my friends and they look great. Yet they seem to get bored when taking photo’s of me lol.

Yeah Mizu, i think i’ll just get her to record it, cause even if she doesn’t time the photo right i can just use the video. they way if i do stack it i also have a great vid for you guys to laugh at lol.

Thanks for the heads up guys.

I wish there was some sort of rig that you could make with a proximity censor that would take photos when ever your at the beginning of a jump.


Actually is there a way you can do both?

Mount the camera on some sort of tripod set up (use for the video) and take the SLR for images?

I rode for 10years with a film SLR and never broke my camera. I just never did anything stupid when i had it on my back.

I only stopped carrying it when i got a compact digital - just cause. LOL


haha its just funny because my husband is in the same boat as you are. He is great at taking photos and I am not good at all. In fact, so bad, that apart from not getting any decent shots of him, in the early days, I managed to completely destroy 2 cameras of his…however, with a little bit of coaching and encouragement, I have learnt a few things and have managed to take the odd decent photo of him! Considering my previous record, he deserves a knighthood for his patience and not giving up on me.
Heaps of simple little things he taught me has helped me not be a complete no-hoper. Getting ready to frame the shot and then half depressing the trigger to get it focused so that I just have to press the rest of the way when he gets into shot has helped heaps. I managed to get this shot, that way, just with a point and shoot.

Granted it means that he has to be patient and make sure I’m ready and set up before he goes.


AHAHa. lol cords thats why i got a super tough camera because she has already broken 2 of my cameras and we haven’t been to the snow yet lmao. I would like to take my SLR but i think it’s just to big and bulking to be lugging around.

thanks for the adivse cords. I guess we will just have to have a play around. Did you try using burst shots? I think it’s awesome but eats A LOT of battery life lol.

PS awesome photo.


the first two cameras were top-end canon point and shoots. The first one I broke very early on in our relationship when I borrowed it and his waterhousing to take on a bodyboard trip to Samoa. I managed to not check the seals properly and small amounts of moisture got in and goodbye camera. The 2nd one, he got the same model again cos he liked it so much, a year and a bit later, I dropped into a freezing creek in Norway, when trying to be arty farty….whoops!

yeah we decided to go with the built tough cameras after that, as well! had the panasonic 10m waterproof one but that one died on us (wasn’t my fault that time! and I did manage to take that photo sometime before it died!) and now we have the NIkon version Coolpix AW100 - shoots HD video etc. It has been great, so far. Its handy having a camera that you know you can put down in the snow, drop in the water, whatever and know it isn’t going to die.

Really, it was a learning process for me about how fragile cameras (and other expensive stuff like that) really are. I’d never owned anything expensive that I had to be really careful with in my whole life…then I learnt a few things about how to attempt to take a photo, as well!...and how nice and sweet my husband is to have put up with me!


When are you at the snow next Hardsnow?

also cords has a nice habit of standing in your shot while you film someone hitting a jump.


haha probably…unless I got there first? otherwise tell me to move, because I probably didn’t notice!

any other criticisms while we’re at it? I’m sure you’ve got plenty up your sleeve wink


ahaha lol. Luckily my wife has only broken $200 digital cameras. yeah our dmc ts3 does HD vid and GPS location (which is cool :D).

Lol cracker. guess i won’t ask my wife to take photos while cords is around lol.

We are in the snow from the 28th of July to the 4th august.

Also am i to take it that cracker and cords are married because you joined boardworld a day apart lol.

PS 100 POSTS YAY!!!!. Free t-shirt???? lmao only took me a year.

HardSnow - 05 July 2012 03:58 AM

Also am i to take it that cracker and cords are married because you joined boardworld a day apart lol.

PS 100 POSTS YAY!!!!. Free t-shirt???? lmao only took me a year.

hahahaha I am very thankful that he is not my other half and I’m sure he is just as grateful of the same! We have known each other a while and are pretty close mates though and his wife is one of my besties. I can’t remember which of us joined first!

Congrats on the 100 posts! There is a thread somewhere for how to get claim your free shirt!


Lol according to you joined date under your total posts. you joined a day before cracker. So you have rights over him lol.

I’m glad it’s such a tight community in here. Feels all cozy lol.

After my season i’ll post all the photos of the ground my wife takes lol.