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Video Editing and Music


I’m really big on cutting up my initial footage to something manageable, say 6-7 minutes of the best stuff, knowing that I’m aiming for 2-3 minutes in the end. Then I know exactly what I’m going to be working with, and can experiment with music that will add to the vibe of the riding. I find it pretty important to decide early on if I want an edit that features slower stuff, such as slowed down riding or open backcountry powder, and will use a more mellow tune… VS… montage or real-time park laps that are full of awesome stuff that deserves something fast that adds to the hype of that section.

I’ll try and find most music by streaming Hype Machine popular tab (You find a tonne of good remix tracks here, just search for your song, and you’ll get between 5-10 mixes), or FBI on Demand on the web (Syd radio station) as they play stuff that’s pretty new, underground, or just totally different, and sometimes thats what works best!

Don’t be concerned if a song it too long, fade-outs are fine! If your making a 2-5 minute edit, it usually doesn’t work well to include mutliple tracks, I find it splits up the flow of the edit too much.

Finally, if your stuck on a few songs (which I always am), I’ll import both songs (3 even) into my timeline, turn off the audio on the ones I don’t want to hear, then play back sections of the song to different footage and see if I really like the vibe.


Thanks for the reply!

Those are some great tips! Will def take them all on board.

Its funny I posted this before I started editing and it seems that naturally I did most of the tips people suggested!

On my last edit I actually was editing away and had some long pans and the like and though wow if a use a couple of secs from each of these sections I will have a super long vid! And also a lot of similar stuff but I thought to myself better to have too much and then edit down when you find a song! LOL

I will check out Hype Machine!

Coming home last night I heard the perfect song for my next edit! And i think it is just the right length too! Only short!

Watch for it this week in the Perisher thread grin


Looking forward to the next edit oz shaka


I just whack a song I’m want to listen to, or like, on the timeline so I don’t get bored while editing. It usually ends up what I use.
But yeah, what fmf does re:multiple tracks, I often do but once I’m cleaning up the edit and adding effects like slomo I need the track that will go with the final edit.