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Snowboarding Photography Contest 2012 - Closes: Oct 14


that pic of the quad at perisher looks so different after the snow on friday.


South Lake Tahoe, California taken 2012
editing contest!


oh man, i can just see me camera getting broken now…


I need new camera gear.
Until then I’ll have to rely on skill.

marcogooding - 26 June 2012 03:31 AM

South Lake Tahoe, California (next to Brisbane) taken 2012
editing contest!

fixed it for you




Freaking awesome. This Comp was sick last year. I’m glad i know the comps on Before i go to the snow this year lol. I’m going to take some killer photos for you guys. :D

SnoPics - 24 June 2012 11:45 PM

This is an awesome contest and I am really looking forward to seeing what images come out of the 2012 season. Good luck to everyone!

You guys will be happy to know, SnoPics (two-time winner of this contest) won’t be entering as a contestant this season. Instead he has joined the official judging panel for this contest. Welcome aboard the judging panel, Darren! We will miss your photos but stoked to have you on the team.

rider26 - 02 July 2012 06:34 AM
SnoPics - 24 June 2012 11:45 PM

This is an awesome contest and I am really looking forward to seeing what images come out of the 2012 season. Good luck to everyone!

You guys will be happy to know, SnoPics (two-time winner of this contest) won’t be entering as a contestant this season. Instead he has joined the official judging panel for this contest. Welcome aboard the judging panel, Darren! We will miss your photos but stoked to have you on the team.

Any chance of a thread for snopics all to himself?

rider26 - 02 July 2012 06:34 AM
SnoPics - 24 June 2012 11:45 PM

This is an awesome contest and I am really looking forward to seeing what images come out of the 2012 season. Good luck to everyone!

You guys will be happy to know, SnoPics (two-time winner of this contest) won’t be entering as a contestant this season. Instead he has joined the official judging panel for this contest. Welcome aboard the judging panel, Darren! We will miss your photos but stoked to have you on the team.

Tell him to still post his photos in another photo thread. I’d really like too see his shots from the season.


woah, this contest is wide-open now! get shooting guys!


A bit of early season corrugated iron fun photos are from the 14/6/2012

talking shit scoping tricks.

Jye Kearney picking his nose.


Welcome to Boardworld, VerminscumBHCG. cool smile

Sick photo of Jye!


Snowy start to July - Smiggin Holes, Perisher - 1st July 2012

A boarder from a different perspective - Smiggin Holes, Perisher - 1st July 2012

marcogooding - 26 June 2012 03:31 AM

South Lake Tahoe, California taken 2012
editing contest!

If you had any self respect you would take this down.