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Flying Squirrel Contest or something else?

Poll: Flying Squirrel or new trick?
Total Votes: 29
Flying Squirrel
New trick

ill bring to the shred

im sure someone can think of a creative way to give it away LOL


I like Mizu’s idea about multiple tricks.

Dan83 - 01 July 2012 12:01 PM

I like Mizu’s idea about multiple tricks.

We could even add a few tomato butts in here and there for effect?????


I’m guessing, for me attempting a flying squirrel would end up being multiple trick…

Pop ... to straight air ... to attempted board grab ... to accidental inversion ... to imitating a flying cat ... to a successful face plant ... to using my nose in a snow plough configuration.


^^ Hahaha. Welcome to Boardworld, bracer! shaka

We have decided to run a promotion “GRAB FOR SWAG”.

There are three categories and you can only enter one. Harder categories have a bigger prize pack. So this should encourage experiences riders to go for the bigger tricks, leaving good opportunity for less experienced riders to get one of the other prizes.

Category 1: Straight air with grab of choice.
Category 2: 180 of choice with grab of choice.
Category 3: Flying squirrel grab. This can be performed however you want. i.e. straight air, 180, 540 etc…

Category 3 will have the biggest prize pack. Hopefully this contest should be up and running by the end of today. If not, tomorrow for sure.

What do you guys think?


Instant disqualification if you end up in a bucket!!!  cool mad

Seriously though - Best wipe out should be a prize as well! Cause there is gonna be a lot with the categories above!


I think we can probably swing that. But you need to grab before the wipeout haha.

rider26 - 02 July 2012 12:01 AM

^^ Hahaha. Welcome to Boardworld, bracer! shaka

We have decided to run a promotion “GRAB FOR SWAG”.

There are three categories and you can only enter one. Harder categories have a bigger prize pack. So this should encourage experiences riders to go for the bigger tricks, leaving good opportunity for less experienced riders to get one of the other prizes.

Category 1: Straight air with grab of choice.
Category 2: 180 of choice with grab of choice.
Category 3: Flying squirrel grab. This can be performed however you want. i.e. straight air, 180, 540 etc…

Category 3 will have the biggest prize pack. Hopefully this contest should be up and running by the end of today. If not, tomorrow for sure.

What do you guys think?

I reckon that this is a brilliant idea!!!!! Almost as good as some of the graphics work that will no doubt accompany this new thread!!!!!

(I think that ya need a category self nomination firstly that has to done by a certain date, and BEFORE people submit video/pic evidence!!!!! That way it will stop an experienced rider from changin categories half way through if they see someone pullin off a blockbuster, in order to snatch the second prize pack, and so on!!!!!)


I think those 3 categories sound sick!

Assuming I get enough time on snow to film anything much, I would definitely like to enter category 1 and if possible would enter category 2 instead. I can 180 but have never really tried it with a grab so it would be good incentive to try and learn something new, even if I’ll have no chance of winning!


Go Cords!! Start watching those DVDs!


I haven’t received them yet :-(

they told me they would take ages to come (at least 6 weeks), they posted it at the end of march and I waited and waited and went to check at the post office (in case they accidently addressed it to Anderson - everyone mixes up my last name) and there was nothing…I sent them an email last week and they said that the post service must have dropped the ball on it, that they were away but would chase it up when they got back.


This is going to be brilliant ... cant wait to start seeing the vids roll in!!

At least I’m sweating a little less now that I don’t have to pump myself up for the flying squirrel!! might just be happy to attempt to style out a straight air grab ... or at least have an abundance of entry options for the ‘best stack in attempting’

Either way, time for some more reference to those Snowboard Addiction vids ... they rock!! (Although I’ve only seen the freebie ones)

Cheers in anticipation!


Sounds good rider, I look forward to seeing the entries cause I know that I can’t enter!

bracer - 02 July 2012 01:32 AM

This is going to be brilliant ... cant wait to start seeing the vids roll in!!

At least I’m sweating a little less now that I don’t have to pump myself up for the flying squirrel!! might just be happy to attempt to style out a straight air grab ... or at least have an abundance of entry options for the ‘best stack in attempting’

Either way, time for some more reference to those Snowboard Addiction vids ... they rock!! (Although I’ve only seen the freebie ones)

Cheers in anticipation!

I think you’d be surprised how little time it takes to get the flying squirrel once you got the idea behind it. I’m like the least flexible person I know and I can grab it smile

blizzard_22 - 02 July 2012 01:35 AM

Sounds good rider, I look forward to seeing the entries cause I know that I can’t enter!

By the end of the shred, we will get you an entry smile